• BOOK REVIEWS \ Apr 20, 2018
    reads 616
    Praying through the Psalms - a New Book by Yohanna Katanacho - By Myrto Theocharous
Praying through the Psalms -  a New Book by Yohanna Katanacho - By Myrto Theocharous

Congratulations to Yohanna Katanacho on his new book, Praying through the Psalms (Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2018). The book is also available on amazon.com. Following are different comments on Katanacho’s book by significant leaders from around the world.

If our psalmists lived today, how would they re-pray their prayers? How would the weight of our contemporary world make them rephrase their sighs towards heaven? Yohanna Katanacho has taken upon himself to transport the ancient psalmists to the dusty and bleeding squares of the Middle East and lend them his eyes, his heart and his pen. He draws the thread that connects their mouth to the mouths of today’s persevering church, but without substituting the ancient voice. This is not just one more translation of the ancient psalter –the new prayers come alongside the ancient ones as the alto joins the soprano to sing the same song in harmony.
Myrto Theocharous, PhD Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, Greek Bible College, Athens, Greece
Book can be found here - www.amazon.com/Praying-Through-Psalms-Yohanna-Katanacho/dp/1907713395/