• OPINION \ Feb 24, 2003
    reads 3889
    Soldiers for Christ
Soldiers for Christ Well brothers -- we seem engaged in a strangely polite & safe dialogue about the impending US attack on Iraq. The attack may be launched on the Ides of March (which will have a curious echo of the Roman Empire). When I hear the rationalizations for doing so on KFOX or by men like Charles Stanley, I find I can not mentally respond because I would either need to [A] sink into a political debate on the pragmatic merits of conservative vs. liberal politics, or else [B] issue a rebuke against my fellow "christians" who seem to prefer operating as New Jews under the Old Covenant rather than obeying the New Covenant by submitting to the will of Christ. Yet in neither arena am I qualified or capable of engaging the arguments of American Christians.

Instead of calling the station or writing a letter, I can only pose these simple questions to each of us.

Is Iraq presenting such an immediate threat to us that we must turn many of their children into bags of dead meat? And turn many more into orphans? And leave yet more with post-traumatic stress disorder? And to leave some of those that survive viewing US Christians as bringers of peace by the sword? That is part of what dropping 800 Tomahawk missiles during the 1st 48 hours will surely accomplish. This is called the Shock & Awe attack.

If so, there is a precious baby like this that will die next month.


A baby that two parents longed for, and were overjoyed to receive into their arms, and praised God for (some praised Allah in their delusion, and some praised the True God just as we do). In addition to a little Karina, there will be Elena's and Christina's who die or are left orphaned. There are also Sarah's and Angela's, Matt's and Tim's and Jennifer's, Jonathan's and Stevens's, Gio's and Jacobs. We won't show people the love of Christ, nor bring them to salvation AFTER blowing the crap out of them and their family members. Dead sinners don't come to the Lord. Are we called to spread the Gospel to unbelievers. Or did I miss the new testament passage where Jesus said "first secure your borders, destroy your enemies with your mighty armies, and then once you are safe and your way of life is well-established you might evangelize to the survivors that have fully adopted your empires political doctrine".

Are we each so convinced by our "trustworthy and truth-telling" government that we are now in imminent danger of being attacked by Saddam that we'd willingly start the killing? I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I do not value worldly possessions over the promise of his kingdom. I do not fear earthly enemies nor spiritual enemies, for my King has already conquered all these things -- sin, death and evil (including the evil in my own heart, and including Satan himself).

I am only afraid of one thing. Of not doing my Fathers will. So lets test the actions of our government and the feelings in our hearts by the fruits they will yield - will the burning flesh and buildings and oil fields raise a pleasing aroma to the Lord, glorifying his name? Do our words of why a pre-emptive attack is justified fit the verse "may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you oh Lord"?

I love this United States, it is a blessed gift to live here, but I do not Idolize it above my Lord and Savior. I do not clothe the naked brokenness of Christ on the Cross in the flag of any nation, nor in the Political rhetoric of any party, nor in the balance sheet of any industry. I count the great accomplishments of the USA, the great weaponry and military might we have amassed, the great business and wealth we have generated as loss before the gift of Christ's salvation.

The new covenant brings us this Salvation from Christ, and it is offered to ALL PEOPLE, of every tribe and tongue and nation. Not just Jews. Not just to Americans. Not just to Christians. God is not a respecter of men, and I'd submit He is not a respecter of national borders. He came to save the world. Even Pharisees, and even beyond that the most incorrigible of sinners ......... evangelical Christians like me. Praise God for such Mercy.

What will I do? Pray for God to intervene on behalf of those who would miss the chance to learn of His love, and on behalf of those who would commit mass murder in His name.

In Love, Your Brother in Christ

