• PERSIAN GULF \ Mar 12, 2003
    reads 9389
    Saudi Arabia, as the birthplace of Islam, will not allow churches to be built on its land, according to Defense Minister Prince Sultan

    AP, March 10, 2003

    Saudis Won't Allow Churches on Its Land
  • PERSIAN GULF \ Feb 26, 2003
    reads 4241
    While Christians can wait for years to get a permission to build a church in Egypt, and can never receive permits to build churches in most Arab countries, Qatar is offering land for Christians to build churches.

    FEB. 25, 2003, Zenit.org

  • PERSIAN GULF \ Feb 21, 2003
    reads 3899
    The prayer focus is being organized by Christians United in Prayer.
    "While Christians had different opinions regarding possible war with Iraq, we must not desire that our will be done, but rather... the Lord's."

    Charisma News, Feb 19, 2003

  • PERSIAN GULF \ Jan 15, 2003
    reads 3965
    Continuing a long-time commitment to relief work in Iraq, Church World Service and several other religious organizations have set up a $1 million campaign to improve health care for Iraqi children.

    The "All My Children" campaign will use the money raised to purchase antibiotics, anesthesia, IV solution kits and items related to providing clean drinking water.

    By United Methodist News Service, Jan 10, 2003

  • PERSIAN GULF \ Dec 30, 2002
    reads 4187
    Suspected Islamic extremist opens fire in Jibla Baptist hospital with Kalashnikov, kills three US Citizens.

    The US Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board, based in Richmond, Virginia, was reportedly preparing to transfer control of the hospital to a local Yemeni charity

    Baptist Press, Dec 30, 2002

    Three killed in attack on Baptist hospital in Yemen
  • PERSIAN GULF \ Dec 28, 2002
    reads 4325

    I only pray in my room," a Roman Catholic laborer from Sri Lanka told AP.
    In Riyadh AP quoted a shop keeper as as saying that the ever-vigilant religious police have confiscated even Christmas cards

    By Stefan J. Bos, ASSIST News Service, Dec 25, 2002

    Saudi Arabia bans Open Christmas Celebrations
  • PERSIAN GULF \ Dec 17, 2002
    reads 6609
    According to International Christian Concern, the Rev. Fernando Alconga, a Filipino pastor of the Redeemer and King Filipino Church of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates, was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of Dubai on November 12, 2002.

    By Michael Ireland, ASSIST News Service

    Filipino Pastor Imprisoned in United Arab Emirates
  • PERSIAN GULF \ Dec 09, 2002
    reads 3884
    Salaam Jaro was born in Iraq. Prior to the Gulf war, he completed the mandatory two years of service in the Iraqi army before taking a job in a weapons manufacturing plant in Baghdad.
    Jaro's work place soon became a target for American missiles. Although bombs struck the plant several times, miraculously he was not on duty during any of the attacks.
    When the war over, he saw the time was right to flee his native Iraq to a safer place. He is now pastor of the Arabic Baptist Church in Toronto, Canada.

    By Harold Camphell, Baptist Press, Dec 5, 2002
    Pastor wants to start Baptist church in Baghdad
  • PERSIAN GULF \ Nov 14, 2002
    reads 4081
    Christianity Today intreviews Georges Hormis Sada, 62, the president of the National Presbyterian Church in Baghdad and chairman of the Assembly of Evangelical Presbyterian Churches?Iraq.

    He deflects talk of leaving the country (although about one-third of the country's Christians emigrated during the 1990s). "We are praying very hard. We know that one day our Lord will make it better."

    By Stan Guthrie, Christianity Today, Nov 08, 2002

  • PERSIAN GULF \ Nov 01, 2002
    reads 3887
    Norm Nelson, president and host of "Life At Its Best," returned from a recent Middle East trip

    In the heart of Baghdad, Nelson found a vibrant church with a worship atmosphere that was "deeply reverent, conducted with decorum and order." With a membership numbering 400 families, their Sunday evening service "was so packed that some were forced to stand in the back."

    Religion Today. October 31, 2002

    Iraq Most Spiritually Hungry Nation in Middle East