TOP STORIES \ Sep 19, 20096003A group of Jewish extremists attacked on Sunday afternoon two young Armenians and destroyed a cross near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in East Jerusalem’s Old City.
Israeli settlers such as these have attacked for years members of the clergy in the Armenian Quarter. Today the Armenians who were assaulted Sunday are not being protected, but rather expelled.
Jerusalem / Maisa Abu Ghazaleh for PNN -
TOP STORIES \ May 14, 20095668
Dr. Salim Munayer is the first recipient of the Christian International Scholarship foundation (CISF) scholar-leader award, for his work as founder and director of Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation based in Jerusalem, and for his service as Academic Dean of Bethlehem Bible College from 1989-2008.
The Board of Directors of the CISF voted unanimously for Dr. Munayer to be the first recipient of this award.
Special For Come and See, May 8, 2009
TOP STORIES \ May 04, 20097067
The Pope's trip to the Holy Land is in two weeks now, and the Israeli and Jordanian governments have just set up two Internet sites related to the event. Their respective Ministries of Tourism are honouring their guest from the Vatican by going online.
Comparing each site is revealing. Have a look.
by Giorgio Bernardelli, The Holy Land Review, Milan - April 23, 2009 -
TOP STORIES \ Apr 22, 20095667Christians in the bombed-out, Israel-closed Gaza Strip feel abandoned because Pope Benedict XVI of the Vatican will snub their coastal enclave during his upcoming several-day visit to the Holy Lands.
"We are disappointed that he will not visit the Strip and see the scale of destruction with his eyes," Hala Saleeba, 41, a teacher in the Holy Family Christian School in Gaza, told IslamOnline.net.
"The one who sees with eyes is not the same as the one who hears with ears."
Motasem Dalloul, Islam Online, April 21, 2009
TOP STORIES \ Feb 13, 20094438Senior Haaretz editir Akiva Eldar interviews Former US president Jimmy Carter - in light of new American President and the Israeli Elections.
"I've known the history of the Jewish people, the Hebrew people, the Israelites, and I've taught these things every Sunday since I was 18 years old. So I'm deeply committed as a Christian to seeing the covenant with Abraham fulfilled," says Carter, noting that peace in the Middle East is also "a key to tremendously reducing the level of animosity against my own country, and reducing the commitment to violence through terrorist acts."
Akiva Eldar, Haaretz, Feb 13, 2009 -
TOP STORIES \ Feb 13, 20094788Benedict XVI's preparations for his trip to the Holy Land are under way, as he himself confirmed today in a meeting with a Jewish delegation from the United States.
The Pope was visited today in the Vatican by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
Zenit.org, Feb 12, 2009 -
TOP STORIES \ Jan 05, 20096461
TOP STORIES \ Jan 05, 20094019
A Fox News Special Report on Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, and his decision to abandon his Muslim faith, denounce his father's organization, move to America and become a Christian
TOP STORIES \ Jan 01, 20094090The raging arms conflict between Hamas in Gaza and the Israeli military must stop “immediately,” declared the World Council of Churhces (WCC) on Monday.
Ethan Cole, Christian Post Reporter
TOP STORIES \ Dec 23, 20084201Every Christmastime, there's an update on the status of Bethlehem, the town where the Bible says Jesus was born. Tourists? No tourists? Street fighting? Quiet? Bethlehem has been battered, revived, battered again and revived again in more cycles than I can count.
The first time I visited, in 1971, it was a quick few miles hike from the southern edge of Jerusalem, through a dip in the ancient landscape, past centuries old olive groves. My last visit was in 1999 when the town was in a building boom and many had high hopes that prosperity on the West Bank would contribute to more peaceful days.
USA Today, Faith and Reason, USA Today, Dec 20, 2008