Documents have recently come to light proving that the youngest son of the founder of the Chabad movement, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Russia, converted to Catholicism.
For 180 years, the conversion of Moshe Zalmanovitch (son of Zalman) has been difficult for Chabad hassidim and the hassidic world in general to accept. Now, it will be difficult to ignore.
By Haggai Hitron, Haaretz, July 22, 2005
OTHER \ Jul 19, 20055803
OTHER \ Jun 27, 20053796A leading body for Anglican Christians urged churches on Friday to put pressure on firms that support Israel's presence in the territories, a measure some say could mean selling stock as a last resort.
Decision by Anglican Consultative Council follows up on anti-Israel divestment strategy of American Episcopal Church
By Reuters, June 25, 2005
OTHER \ Jun 08, 200510226The Evangelical pastor tells an Israeli journalist: Even though as a Christian, I don't usually curse, the Jews in Israel should tell Bush to go to hell."
Pastor Vineyard is part of an anti-disengagement delegation. The group arrived late Monday afternoon and after a brief press conference, headed straight to the Gaza Strip, where they planned to remain as an "act of solidarity" until their return to the U.S. on Thursday.
From Haaretz, By Daphna Berman, June 6, 2005
OTHER \ May 14, 20054947The government has offered to donate 35 acres beside the Sea of Galilee for an evangelical Christian center to boost Christian tourism, a newspaper reported Wednesday.
The government told a group of evangelical leaders, including the Rev. Ted Haggard of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, it would be willing to improve a nearby airport and provide power, water and phone lines for the center, The Gazette of Colorado
AP and "Come and See", May 12, 2005
OTHER \ May 09, 20053796The 1.4-million-member United Church of Christ will vote this summer on whether to divest from certain U.S. firms doing business with Israel, a protest against the Jewish state's occupation of Palestinian territories, church officials said Friday.
The measure would single out as possible divestment targets U.S. corporations "involved with Israel's illegal occupations of the West Bank and Gaza, the construction of the 'security fence,' and the continuation of...Israeli settlements within Palestinian territories...."
By Teresa Watanabe, LA Times Staff Writer
OTHER \ Feb 23, 20053896The World Council of Churches (WCC) on February 21 urged its members to consider economic measures to oppose Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and praised the action of a U.S. denomination that has started a process of selective divestment from companies linked to the occupation.
"Multinational corporations have been involved in the demolition of Palestinian homes," the WCC's main governing body said in a statement adopted during a February 15-22 meeting in Geneva. They "are involved in the construction of settlements and settlement infrastructure on occupied territory, in building a dividing wall which is also largely inside occupied territory, and in other violations of international law."
by Stephen Brown, Ecumenical News International, Feb 21, 2005
OTHER \ Jan 12, 20055165The Vatican will present the works of Moses Maimonides, one of the most influential figures in modern Jewish thought to Israel for scholarly study. With this gesture, the Vatican hopes to continue to bridge the divide between Jews and Christians worldwide.
The loaning of the manuscripts is also viewed as an offering to resolve other political and social disagreements in Israel, including Hebrew University's partial use of a convent since 1948 that the Vatican wants back, and property tax exemptions for religious institutions.
Catholic News Agency, Jan 10, 2005
OTHER \ Nov 24, 20043840Leading members of the Anglican church will recommend that their decision-making body adopt an anti-Israel divestment policy similar to the one the Presbyterian church passed earlier this summer. The announcement, made yesterday in Jerusalem by representatives of the Anglican Peace and Justice Network (APJN), came at the close of the delegation's 10-day tour of the region.
By Daphna Berman, Haaretz, Sep 23, 2004
OTHER \ Nov 24, 20044223By an overwhelming vote of its general assembly, the Presbyterian Church USA, boasting 3 million members, is siding with Palestinians against Israel, choosing to divest from the Jewish state as it did only with apartheid South Africa.
WorldNetDaily and the Daily Star, July 17, 2004