• OPINION \ Dec 29, 2008
    reads 56050
    Reflecting on Gaza: An open letter to my Messianic Brothers and Sisters
Reflecting on Gaza: An open letter to my Messianic Brothers and Sisters Dear Messianic Brothers and Sisters:

What do you think of what is going on in Gaza? I’ve been watching a real horror movie on my small television. Hundreds of people are dead and many are injured. Blood is spilled everywhere! I’ve read the newspapers and understand the different political views but I am concerned about the wedge that the war against Gaza might create between us.

Your response is not only a political concern but it is also a theological one. How should we Palestinian and Israeli followers of the son of God perceive what some call the “war against Gaza” and others call a “massacre”? ٍShould we be limited to the political terms: liberation from occupation, retaliation, just punishment, etc; or should we create our own language to describe a situation that breaks God’s heart? How can we express God's love and justice in the midst of war and bloodshed? How do you reconcile the death of hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza by Israeli hands and then shake our hands when we fellowship in our meetings? Frankly, it is hard to accept the perception that we can be political enemies but religious brothers and sisters especially when the word “enemies” entails “approving” the death and injury of hundreds of people, including innocent children. We cannot justify hurting some innocent people in Ashdod or destroying hundreds of Palestinians and injuring over a thousand people in Gaza. Many of them are children. There are surely better ways to resolve the pertinent issues.

Moreover, it seems to me that our relationship with the son of God must transform our political perceptions in a way that will make us more critical of the policies of our governments, more vocal of our support of divine mercy, love, and justice. Our connection with the Kingdom of God must lead us to the path of love not the bloodshed of children or adults. Please make no mistake; I am against killing any innocent people whether they are Israelis or Palestinians. But I want to hear from you. Your silence is loud and I am hoping that I misunderstood you. What do you think and what are you going to tell me next time when we meet?

I challenge you during these harsh times to consider not only your responsibility before your country but also your responsibility before the Lord, before the people of Gaza, and before the Palestinian church. I challenge you to adopt a theology of peace rather than justify a theology of war. Will your relationship with the prince of peace make your response different from the Israeli army in Gaza? If not then how will you look me in the eyes next time we meet and shake my hands while the hands of your army are still wet with the blood of my people!? As for me, I cannot accept spilling innocent blood on any side, but what about you? How can the Messiah bring us together if you are supporting the continuation of bloodshed to my people?

Rev. Yohanna Katanacho, Ph.D.

Academic Dean of Bethlehem Bible College
1.Gaza from another Christian's point of view
 Victor Christian, January 5, 2009 18:06
2.Gaza from Another Christian's point of view (reply to 1)
 Tanas, January 6, 2009 15:50
3.occupation (reply to 2)
 David, January 9, 2009 5:34
4.Occupied Territories (reply to 3)
 Anon, January 13, 2009 20:46
5.the truth (reply to 4)
 Roseann, January 6, 2009 16:51
6.Gaza (reply to 5)
 Emma, January 9, 2009 5:01
7.War: a choice not a necessity (reply to 6)
 Nabil Habiby, January 16, 2009 13:21
 Christian Amalgamated Intelligence, January 6, 2009 14:54
 Safa, December 29, 2008 12:55
10.Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace
 Habib, December 29, 2008 19:56
11.Thanks for this powerful prayer! (reply to 10)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 10:20
12. (reply to 11)
 twicebot, January 1, 2009 14:08
 Mr. T, December 29, 2008 20:38
14. (reply to 13)
 David Schneider, December 29, 2008 21:03
 Renee Shmuel, December 29, 2008 21:39
16. (reply to 15)
 alan gagg, December 30, 2008 22:55
17.deportation (reply to 16)
 Ruud, December 31, 2008 16:18
18.A CHRISTIAN? (reply to 17)
 Lisa Asi, January 5, 2009 15:42
19.Christian brother (reply to 18)
 James P. Silva, December 31, 2008 4:41
20.Fighting Against God
 Howard, December 29, 2008 21:56
21.History is not Predetermined (reply to 20)
 Hanna Katanacho, December 30, 2008 7:11
22.The Blessed Hope (reply to 21)
 Howard, December 30, 2008 9:25
23.We are a letter Written by the Blood of Christ not the blood of the children of Gaza. (reply to 22)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 11:07
24.Israel and the Church (reply to 23)
 Howard, December 30, 2008 13:39
25.The Christian and War (reply to 24)
 Howard, December 30, 2008 18:12
26.Fighting Against God (reply to 25)
 Tanas, January 6, 2009 15:57
27.God is Just (reply to 26)
 Howard, January 6, 2009 16:58
28.Your letter grieves me.
 Israel, December 30, 2008 7:10
29.Grief is not enough; a true unity among us is based on a proper theology (reply to 28)
 Hanna Katanacho, December 30, 2008 8:08
30.Your words spin a tale (reply to 29)
 Israel, December 30, 2008 11:36
31.Fight Evil with Good, not with evil. (reply to 30)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 13:06
32.You do accuse me wrongly. (reply to 31)
 Israel Harel, December 31, 2008 12:53
33.Wake up to spiritual reality (reply to 32)
 Jacob, December 30, 2008 11:50
34.Your letter grieves me (reply to 33)
 I agree with Rev Israel Harel, December 30, 2008 15:53
35.reply to Anne (reply to 34)
 elias tannous, December 30, 2008 21:38
36.Shalom Elias (reply to 35)
 Israel, January 1, 2009 6:53
37.What do you mean by anti Israel? (reply to 36)
 Pierre Tannous, January 1, 2009 20:36
38.Dear brother (reply to 37)
 Israel, January 8, 2009 12:28
39.Where were you when Hammas attacked Israel?!!
 arab believer, December 30, 2008 7:43
40.What is your name brother? (reply to 39)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 8:53
41.To Arab believer (reply to 40)
 Safa, December 30, 2008 10:13
 Winford Popphan, January 1, 2009 20:09
43.War in Gaza
 Anonymous, January 2, 2009 2:06
44.stop the stereotyping! (reply to 43)
 Ruud, January 2, 2009 9:37
45.Gaza Invasion (reply to 44)
 Anon, January 6, 2009 1:43
46.stereotyping (reply to 45)
 Ruud, January 6, 2009 17:46
47.Gaza Invasion (reply to 46)
 Anon, January 7, 2009 23:51
48.Hanna's reflections on Gaza
 Rose, December 30, 2008 11:16
49.I love your answer (reply to 48)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 13:12
50.reply to Hanna (reply to 49)
 Rose, January 2, 2009 11:13
51.Thank you for what you said (reply to 50)
 Katrina in Pensacola, FL, January 1, 2009 3:13
52.Christ First
 Anthony - a Christian, December 30, 2008 18:29
53.Thank you for writing a respone in a kind manner (reply to 52)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 19:32
54.Christ First 2 (reply to 53)
 Anthony - a Christian, December 31, 2008 21:32
55.Choosing to be caught in the middle?
 Shadia, December 30, 2008 13:50
 EVA , December 30, 2008 15:58
57.LOOK YOU ARABS & YOU JEWS!! (reply to 56)
 Barbara Knowles/ HESED HEb. GOD'S GRACE & MERCY, December 30, 2008 23:06
58.for those who disagree with the article ..
 Amjad Shoufani, December 30, 2008 15:59
59.Reflecting on Gaza
 Arthur Goldberg, December 30, 2008 19:58
60.I accept your challenge! (reply to 59)
 Hanna, December 30, 2008 21:19
61. (reply to 60)
 shafik, January 1, 2009 22:05
62.No title
 Liz, December 30, 2008 23:18
63.Beyond Condemnation
 Pete, December 30, 2008 23:36
64.Yohanna Katanacho's letter to Messianic brothers
 Bill Millward, December 30, 2008 23:59
65.Kol Hakavod! (reply to 64)
 Doron, January 5, 2009 10:27
66.differences (reply to 65)
 Eugene Livingstone, January 8, 2009 12:14
67.Messianics (reply to 66)
 Ruud, January 8, 2009 23:14
68.Not left wing or right wing (reply to 67)
 Israel, January 9, 2009 8:53
69.Trouble in Israel
 Amanda, December 31, 2008 2:21
 Hadassah, December 31, 2008 2:27
71.We are at War!
 Hadassah-- near Jerusalem, Israel, December 31, 2008 2:50
72.reply to Hadassah (reply to 71)
 Rose, January 2, 2009 10:55
73.Please read Yohanna's article carefully (reply to 72)
 Ruud, January 3, 2009 10:27
74.Missing the point Bro Ruud (reply to 73)
 Jacob, January 3, 2009 14:26
75.it's you missing the point (reply to 74)
 Ruud, January 3, 2009 18:09
76.Not true (reply to 75)
 Jacob, January 3, 2009 23:15
77.depends on what you read (reply to 76)
 Ruud, January 4, 2009 10:10
78.You are right about relationship. (reply to 77)
 Israel Harel, January 8, 2009 12:51
79.My heart pours out!
 Diana, December 31, 2008 5:18
80.Messianic Jews
 Pavel, December 31, 2008 5:24
81.Gaza blood shed
 concerned brother, December 31, 2008 7:44
82.The Lords Prayer
 Therina Coetsee-South Africa, December 31, 2008 8:20
83.No title
 Kap, December 31, 2008 11:12
84.Gaza killings
 tracey from Australia, December 31, 2008 11:18
85.Katanacho's view
 Safa, December 31, 2008 12:11
86.An open letter to my Mewssianic Brothers and Sisters
 Eckhard Maier, December 31, 2008 12:52
87.Translation of the letter Dr. Katanacho sent today to Arab Evangelical churches
 B.M, December 31, 2008 13:08
88.you are the wrong person to call for this! (reply to 87)
 Israel Harel, December 31, 2008 16:20
89.reply to Israel Harel (reply to 88)
 Rose, January 2, 2009 11:02
90.Dear Brother what is your problem? I love you
 Pastor Antony Simon, December 31, 2008 14:51
91.From Afar
 George Bowker PhD, December 31, 2008 17:34
92.seeing clearly
 bat chayil, December 31, 2008 22:16
 Elizabeth, December 31, 2008 23:01
94.Apple of an eye? (reply to 93)
 Eugene Livingstone, January 8, 2009 12:06
95.Arrogant (reply to 94)
 Howard, January 8, 2009 17:15
96.Conflict in Gaza
 John R Peacher, January 1, 2009 2:17
97. Enough is Enough We would never take what they have taken here in the US
 Anonymous, January 1, 2009 12:04
98.Response to your letter
 A Badulah, January 2, 2009 4:01
99.Mercy for us all!
 KJoy, January 1, 2009 3:46
100.why I thoght it was lacking!?
 shafiq Nassar, January 2, 2009 16:37
101.Thanks (reply to 100)
 Howard, January 3, 2009 8:36
102.Struggling (reply to 101)
 Gail Azzam, January 8, 2009 10:55
103.Bless you sister! (reply to 102)
 Israel Harel, January 8, 2009 13:25
104.The enemy
 Lek, January 2, 2009 20:23
105.Unity and Peace Among Brethren (reply to 104)
 Howard Bass, January 3, 2009 8:19
106.Heavenly Wisdom (reply to 105)
 Anonymous, January 3, 2009 18:35
107.one body & hope for the future
 a Jewish sister in the Lord, January 3, 2009 19:39
108.Complicity as a US Citizen
 Tim Seid, January 4, 2009 20:36
109.Your complicity to terrorism (reply to 108)
 A perturbed Israeli, January 18, 2009 0:05
110.your complicity to racism (reply to 109)
 Ruud, January 18, 2009 17:49
111.Division in the Body of Christ
 John Breault, January 5, 2009 1:51
 donna, January 5, 2009 13:32
113.your wrong (reply to 112)
 shafik nassar, January 5, 2009 22:24
114.Gaza massacre and Christian complicity (reply to 113)
 Peter Attwood, January 6, 2009 9:40
 Anonymous, January 6, 2009 22:49
116.Question: (reply to 115)
 Eugene Livingstone, January 8, 2009 11:57
117. (reply to 116)
 Anonymous, January 8, 2009 21:53
118.THEY ARE NOT ONE (reply to 117)
 Khaleel, January 9, 2009 9:19
119.Brother (reply to 118)
 Anonymous, January 9, 2009 15:40
120.Are you sure? (reply to 119)
 Khaleel, January 19, 2009 14:46
121.Messianic Jews (reply to 120)
 Ruud, January 10, 2009 11:08
122.Romans 13:4
 Larry Rodgers, January 7, 2009 7:46
123.Does that apply to the holoucast? (reply to 122)
 Eugene Livingstone, January 8, 2009 11:54
124.Israel/Hamas (reply to 123)
 Frances Hansen, January 10, 2009 13:34
125.owners? (reply to 124)
 Ruud, January 10, 2009 22:36
126.A false balance (reply to 125)
 Jacob, January 11, 2009 13:40
127.Arabs and Israel (reply to 126)
 Ruud, January 12, 2009 19:23
128.Dr.; Katanacho fo prime minister!
 Powell, January 8, 2009 16:33
129.I sympathize with you, but.... (reply to 128)
 Sean, January 13, 2009 13:16
130.Surprised and embarrased (reply to 129)
 Arab Evangelical, January 13, 2009 19:33
131.What Will It Take? (reply to 130)
 Howard, January 14, 2009 10:15
132.repentance (reply to 131)
 Arab Evangelical, January 15, 2009 15:47
133.Old and New Testaments Both Taken Literally (reply to 132)
 Howard, January 15, 2009 21:21
134.Dr. Katanacho's Plea
 Ron Weinbaum, February 10, 2009 16:50
135.Christians (ALL)
 an Observer, May 18, 2009 8:15
 follower of JESUS, Kingdom of Heaven July 19, 2011 0:15