• PALESTINE \ Apr 28, 2011
    reads 4434
    Second "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference to be held in March 2012
Second The aim of Christ at the Checkpoint is to provide an opportunity for Evangelical Christians who take the Bible seriously to prayerfully seek a proper awareness of issues of peace, justice, and reconciliation. The conference will:

o Empower and encourage the Palestinian church.

o Expose the realities of the injustices in the Palestinian Territories and create awareness of the obstacles to reconciliation and peace.

o Create a platform for serious engagement with Biblical Zionism and an open forum for ongoing dialogue between all positions within the Evangelical theological spectrum.

o Motivate participants to become advocates for the reconciliation work of the church in Palestine/Israel and its ramifications for the Middle East and the world.

We have confirmed a wide range of world-class international speakers, as well as well-equipped local Palestinian and Messianic Jewish leaders, who will share from their own experiences and offer a variety of diverse perspectives. Confirmed speakers include: Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, Gary Burge, Ron Sider, John Ortberg, Stephen Sizer, Evan Thomas, Lynne Hybels, Salim Munayer, Bishara Awad, Bob Roberts, Ken Sande, Alex Awad, Chris Seiple, Joel Hunter, Manfred Kohl, Doug Birdsall, Hanna Katanacho, Jonathan Kuttab, Sami Awad, Daniel Bourdanne, Steve Haas, Richard Harvey, Ben White, Imad Shehade, and Chawkat Moucarry.

We would be honored if you would consider joining us! We are currently working on package deals that include airfare and hotel accommodation at reduced rates. More details on these packages will be available by the end of the month. In addition to the conference, we are happy to assist in organizing post-conference tours of the Holy Land. Attached in this email you will find the flyer for the upcoming conference. For registration and program information, please visit the Christ at the Checkpoint website at www.christatthecheckpoint.com. If you have additional questions or would like information on organizing a group to attend the conference, please do not hesitate to email us at conference@bethbc.org
