Significantly, the survey found that only 34% say they sympathize with Israel. A majority say they sympathize either with both sides equally (39%) or with neither side (13%).
Among evangelical leaders from the United States, even fewer sympathize more with Israel (30%) while nearly half (49%) say they sympathize with both sides equally.
Similarly only 48% of the evangelicals say the state of Israel is a fulfilment of biblical prophecy about the Second Coming of Jesus, while 42% say it is not. This is perhaps an indication that evangelicals are increasingly better informed about the Middle East.
Charles Carlson observes,
“The poll results state that 73% of those polled think "God's covenant with the Jewish people" continues today, and only 22% say it does not. It should be noted here that this is a Judeo-Christian give-away, since it is based on a false premise. The Pew Forum and all Evangelicals need to understand that there never was an Old Testament covenant with "the Jewish people." Most Evangelicals, radical or moderate, fail to properly distinguish the ancient tribe of Israelites from the Jews of today, and in particular, the Jewish inhabitants of the modern secular Jewish state of Israel. This error is the result of scriptural distortion that is encouraged by the State of Israel and its lobbies in the USA, and by the Israel-friendly press.”
Despite what Zionists would have us believe, the greatest threat to Christianity is perceived to come from secularism (71%); consumerism (67%); and from sex and violence in popular culture (59%). Only a minority see the influence of Islam as a major threat (47%) and this is even lower among evangelicals in the Middle East who live as minorities under Islamic rule (35%).
Positive attitudes toward Jewish people are rightly much higher, suggesting evangelicals distinguish between the Jewish faith and Zionism as practised in Israel. Three-quarters have either mostly favourable (60%) or very favourable (16%) views of Jews, even though most do not think those views are reciprocated; 86% think that Jews are either neutral (53%) or unfriendly (33%) toward evangelicals.
How sad to see, people who name the name of Christ and claim to be Christians, seeking to inter into the politics of the present world, and that in opposition to God’s prophetic word as to the end of the present age. The fact that the word “Zionism” is used in a negative way should be a red flag to all who believe for God has said, “I will set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” Psalm 2:6 And the Holy on of Israel made sure to proclaim the Jesus Christ was the King of the Jews, even in His death. Matt. 27:24, etc. The world is soon to enter the period called the great tribulation and the present day “church” is playing political games, being useful idiots and pawns to the god of this present world system. Wake up people of God and purify yourselves and call on the Lord out of a pure hear and he will open your eyes and give you understanding. Come back to his word in all humility and He will give correction.
It's so sad to see that you call Christians idiots and accuse them of following different god because they simply don't agree with you on something.
Through the whole Bible, the focus was always on God himself, and Jesus Christ. The focus on the Old Testament and the New Testament alike, was Jesus Christ the Lord. Not His followers, not the Jews, not Zion, not Greek, not Church, not Israel. The Lord Jesus Christ was and is the center of every doctrine and every Church, and book of the Bible.
Failing to see this ultimate truth, drives people to favor earthly kingdoms above heavenly things. With no relation to whether Jesus was pro-Zionist or not, He never answered a question about earthly kingdom. Before He ascended His followers asked him about returning the kingdom of Israel, and His focus was out of this scope, since He sees a future for salvation of nations, and establishing the Kingdom of God, rather than kingdom of Israel. Previously when the Samaritan woman asked Him where they are supposed to worship, He switched her mind to seek heavenly things rather than argue where to worship. So basically the Bible is full of testimonies of the superiority of God, Jehovah, and Jesus Christ to His followers. So if God favored some people for some time it was for His own sake, and for His own name, and for His own Glory. Now that God Has called us all, Jews and Gentiles in one Body, the body of Christ, there is no more Jew or Greek, nor Israelite nor Galilean. We are all at the same level below God, and we all seek our heavenly location rather than any mount on earth.
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all, and any other agenda that puts other priorities above Him, be it lands, religions, denominations, sects, tribes is actually putting them before God... and Woe to the man who dishonors God by putting another agenda before him.
People has for unlimited times failed to please God by fooling themselves they are worshiping Him through doing other things, while what they were doing is actually favoring other things -- in His name, and using His word to justify wrong-doings, things that if God appeared to them and asked them to stop what they are doing, they will still keep doing it - with or without God.
In the last century, we are witnessing a rise of dellusion across the whole body of Christ of some political agendas which mix between politics and Bible doctrines, and try to tweak verses interpretation to justify desires of people who actually don't belong to the body of Christ, and their whole focus is use weak hearts that obey the Bible follow their agendas in the name of the god of the Bible. A great test of superiority of God shows whether you are following your ideal (Jesus Christ) or following some other idea. If any doctrine proclaims hatred, racism, favoring some kind of race or nation (nazism), violence (also verbal), and sets your mind on earthly things, then you are following a doctrine of man, rather than one of God.
Psalm 73: 25: Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
Let it be your prayer brother. We seek nothing on earth but Him, and Heaven will show us our true desire.