• ISRAEL \ Apr 20, 2014
    reads 3306
    Against All Odds: A Christian School in Nazareth Celebrates its History
Against All Odds: A Christian School in Nazareth Celebrates its History

In 1935 a small group of Southern Baptist missionaries started a small primary school in Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus.

This year this school-the Nazareth Baptist School- celebrates the 60th graduation class making the total number of graduates 3,153 graduates.

NBS is a K-12 school with about 1000 students with Arab Christian and Muslim students. Most of NBS graduates pursue higher education in Israel and abroad. NBS has produced hundreds of professionals that have held key positions in Community-both in Nazareth and beyond in addition of key people in Evangelical ministry in the country.
Despite being in the under privileged Arab minority community, it has proven to be one of the best schools in the country.

In the last statistics that the ministry of education released in 2009- NBS was rated 4th in the whole country in the percentage of its “excellent” students with the first 3 schools being selective high schools.

NBS students have excelled in recent years in different scientific competitions including “First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics” which gave them the unique invitation to participate in the annual gathering for Nobel Prize laureates held in landau in Germany.
NBS administration, Parents’ committee and group of graduates have planned a large celebration on the 1st of May with hundreds of graduates, parents and supporters of this unique school.
NBS has been struggling with an aging and packed facility of around 1 acre in downtown Nazareth and its leaders are looking into relocating it to a more suitable facility. An organization in USA based in Huntsville Alabama that holds the name "Friends of Nazareth" is seeking to support NBS in its endeavor to relocate as well as support the spiritual program.

NBS is headed today by General Director Advocate Botrus Mansour and Principal Dr. Ousama Moalem. It was disconnected from the Southern Baptist founders on the early 1990s but maintains its Christian Evangelical Ethos and holds Chapel and Bible study services for its students. It is run today by a local board headed by Electronics engineer Najed Azzam.
