• TOP STORIES \ Jun 27, 2001
    reads 9251
    Rev. Andrew Abu Ghazaleh leaves Israel
Rev. Andrew Abu Ghazaleh leaves Israel Rev. Andrew (Andrawos in Arabic) Abu Ghazaleh and family left Israel this week to join a new ministry in the USA. He has served in churches in the Galilee for the last nine years.

Abu Ghazaleh was born in Jordan for a Palestinian family 39 years ago and lived in the USA for few years where he went to Elim fellowship seminary in Lima ,NY.The Lord has used him since a very young age.He founded an Arabic Church in Burlingame, CA when he was 25 years old.

He came to Israel as a missionary to Bethlehem area at first in 1992 and afterwards in 1994 to Nazareth in the Northern part of Israel. He has spent these years teaching the word of God in churches all around the Galilee. At one time, he was pastoring three churches at the same time, in Nazareth, Cana of Galilee and Kufur Yaseef.

Rev. Andrew also established a Christian College for preparing pastors and spiritual leaders under the name the "Galilee College", since there is a great need for such ministry in the area. Around 40 students graduated from this college in March. Some of the graduates are continuing their studies for a degree at other colleges.

Rev. Andrew was known mostly for his love to the people and for his great ability to talk the word of God to people from all ages. He was the main speaker for seven years in a row in the main Youth Conference in the region for Youth of the Baptist Churches and was also very well loved by other audiences. He had gifts of healing and casting out demons and the name of God was glorified with these gifts. Rev. Andrew and his wife Margaret were a source of counseling for many people in the area, from the churches they pastored and many others too.

Rev. Andrew and his family lived in Nazareth and were loved by people. Around 300 people from all the around the region gathered in the Local Baptist Church on Sunday, June 24, to hear him preach and to hear some farewell speeches. Andrew gave the church seven last recommendations and asked them to concentrate on Jesus, since "In Him only there is salvation". Fuad Haddad, the Chairman of the Baptist Churches in Israel thanked Andrew for his ministry in the Baptist Churches in the Galilee.

Abu Ghazaleh has left this week to Lima, New York where he will become the director of the International Leadership Seminars. This is a ministry that was established by the late Dr. Costa Deir and focuses on training leaders all around the world and is sponsored by the Elim fellowship.