• ISRAEL \ Sep 04, 2015
    reads 3929
    In the shadow of the Christian Schools crisis: Christians who love Israel- where is your allegiance?
In the shadow of the Christian Schools crisis: Christians who love Israel- where is your allegiance?

The majority of Christians in the USA and especially Evangelicals have sympathy to Israel. This has roots in the Bible – as the Jewish faith and history prepared the way for Jesus who was a Jew himself. It is also dependent on an interpretation of the future events listed in the books of Revelation and Daniel that suggest special dealings with the Jews and the country they will gather in. Its source is not only in the Bible but in affiliation with this small country that excels in hi-tech, beats its enemies and practices democracy in the midst of dictatorships and turmoil…What adds to this love is the Judo-Christian values that allegedly USA and Israel share.



However when the Christian identity clashes with the love of Israel- where do they stand? Arab Christians in Israel feel that unfortunately the latter component has the upper hand.
The Bible teaches us that the church in every place in the world is the body of Christ and when “one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Cor 12: 26).
The part of the body that lives in the land that Jesus lived in is aching. This part has not been treated fairly by Israel. It has been pushed into the corner through systematic actions against its 47 schools. The Israeli government has performed severe cuts in the budgets of these schools to a point they are not able to continue its work.
So where does the Christian world stand in such moments? Does it stand with the brothers and sisters in the one body, or it turns a cold shoulder to the Arab Israeli brothers in Christ because of who is involved in this matter-the irreproachable state of Israel that should never be criticized?
I urge the Christian believers everywhere to write to the Israeli President, Prime Minister and Minister of Education to ask them to intervene and treat the Christians in Israel fairly and equally and help preserve the Christian education system that has been serving the people in the country in a strong and vital way.
Please write them on the following addresses:
*Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu Fax:+972-2-5605000 or electronically through: www.pmo.gov.il/English/PrimeMinister/Pages/ContactUs.aspx
*President Mr. Reuvin Rivlen, email: president@president.gov.il
*Minister of Education Mr. Naftali Bennet, lishkat_sar@education.gov.il


