• ISRAEL \ Oct 30, 2015
    reads 4432
    Nazareth Trust appoints Richard Mayhew as new Chief Executive Officer
Nazareth Trust appoints Richard Mayhew as new Chief Executive Officer

The Nazareth Trust (EMMS Nazareth), the umbrella organization for the Nazareth Hospital, the Nazareth School of nursing and First Centaury Nazareth Village issued a statement by its Chairman of the board Morgan Jamieson:

For some months now we have been involved in the search for a new CEO to replace Joseph Main who left to take up work with another UK charity earlier this year. Throughout this period we have been encouraged by our awareness that this process has been faithfully upheld in prayer by our many supporters around the world.
After initial interviews in the UK further interviews were held in Nazareth in September when we had the pleasure of engaging in greater depth with two candidates, both of whom demonstrated qualities in regard to their personal discipleship and professional experience that aligned with the requirements of this key and challenging role. Against that encouraging background, and after further discussion and reflection, I am pleased to intimate that we have now appointed Richard Mayhew as the incoming CEO of the Nazareth Trust.
Richard was born in Northern Ireland and his original professional background was in education. In that capacity he previously spent several years as Vice-Principal of the Anglican School in Jerusalem. Following a subsequent career move into management he has worked in senior positions in a number of Christian and social concern charities in the UK. Although set in a different context these roles included patterns of responsibility in regard to internal management and external relationships that are not unlike those of the Nazareth Trust. Throughout all of this Richard, and his wife Margareta, have retained a particular heart for the Middle East and a more recent sense of Godʼs calling to return to Christian service in Israel in response to which he has most recently been working as CEO of the Garden Tomb Association in Jerusalem.
Richard will be taking up post in mid-November. While accommodation and other practical and administrative matters are being addressed he will initially travel between the UK and Nazareth but will be based full-time in Israel from April. We will use the opportunity of a future Newsletter to provide a more detailed introduction to Richard but for the present we simply wished to share this encouraging news, to thank you for your prayerful support, to encourage you to pray for Richard and his family during this period of transition and to thank God for his care and guidance”