• FEATURES \ Feb 18, 2023
    reads 1038
    In Memory of Im Nimmer - Poem by Kelly Jadon
In Memory of Im Nimmer - Poem by Kelly Jadon


she sat beside me speaking her third tongue
of final finished days with the Mandate
of borrowed books she relished reading
of kibbe nee, prepared by her daughter-in-law
of a nephew gone home to Heaven too soon
“did you know?” Im Nimmer asked
“no” i answered, “i’m very sorry”
“oh, he died at 9/11—in the Twin Towers—in New York City”
“he did?” i responded
“yes, he was from Jordan”
“but only one Christian from Jordan died there” i stated
“my friend told me so
she too is from Jordan—
it was her cousin”
“what is your friend’s name?” Im Nimmer asked
surprise in her voice
i gave my friend’s name
“that is my niece!
that is my maiden name!
that was my nephew!” Im Nimmer exclaimed
her niece,
my Florida found friend of 30 years
where we both raised our children
and worshiped Jesus
her photo framed in Nazareth
was featured upon Im Nimmer’s dining cabinet
Christians of the Middle East
are one people—of the Lord Jesus Christ
belief in Him is eternal life
belief in Him is the work of God
and this is what they say:
we are the remaining remnants of original believers
in Jesus Christ
come up out of Jerusalem at the Great Persecution
we are descendants of the first disciples who chose to follow Jesus
we are descendants of Gentiles who accepted Christ
we are one nation
we are one people
we are the Church
because of colonization and subjugation
kingdoms, rulers and many wars
we live separated by systems of government
differing denominations
trapped and persecuted from many sides
as the Druz call to each other from the Holy Land
across Syrian mountains
so too do we know who are ours
across the Levant—the Holy Land
we are known by our names:
the Isaacs, the Davids, the Jad’ons, the Ibrahims, the Hamaties
and many others
our names are our identity
the Khouri—the priests
the Ghattas—the baptist
our names came from the book
the Bible—to honor the Lord
we are called by His Name—Jesus
we are called by His Name--Christian
we the Church
do not come with missiles, bombs and guns
we come with the Lord Jesus Christ
the Prince of Peace
we come with the ability to make the peace
keep the peace
be the peace as Lord Jesus is our peace
we the Church
have lived on the Holy Land
the Levant
for 2,000 years
as believers in Jesus
for 5,000 years
as the faithful before
the Lord tabernacled Himself
we have lived peacefully
as God instructs us to live in peace
with all around us
we the Church
have survived and kept what is holy
have endured cultures and kings
have lived to handoff an inheritance
to our children
a spiritual inheritance
worth more than gold
worth more than rubies
He the Lord is the Pearl of Great Price
we have carried the holy anointing by the Lord Jesus
for 2,000 years
by the laying on of hands
through +Saint Paul
through +Saint Peter
even until today
Lord Jesus, the Risen One, is our Head
we are the body
the original
the first and early church
we are one, made of one blood,
renewed by one Spirit
we are not our own
but the Lord’s and
Jesus Christ is our King!
Kelly Jadon writes a poem in memory of Im Nimmer and her nephew who Perished at the Twin Towers on 9/11
Im Nimmer (Nelly Dawany Khazin), attended the Local Baptist Church in Nazareth. Kelly visited with her during visits to Nazareth. Her niece, also a Dawany, lives near Kelly in South Florida.