• JORDAN \ Jul 24, 2001
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    Summer Camps Lead Jordanians to Christ
Summer Camps Lead Jordanians to Christ Missions Insider - JORDAN--More than 150 youngsters in Jordan have chosen to follow Christ, thanks to a series of summer camps sponsored by a local indigenous ministry.

?The children are responding to the program that has been put together thoughtfully, presenting a clear message of salvation,? reports the director of Manara Ministries, sponsor of Camp Gilead. Three separate camps, divided by age, have been held so far with one remaining.

?There have been many truly marvelous experiences at camp,? says J.C., a young American volunteer at the camp. ?The most recent camp was composed of ninth and tenth graders. At the Thursday night sunset service in the amphitheater overlooking the Jordan River valley, the natural ambiance could not compare to the spiritual beauty that was there. The students did not want to stop worshipping God. After the service had officially ended, young men and women--many of whom are brand new Christians--proceeded to yell out songs that they wanted to sing to God. The service probably would never have ended had it not been for the concern of 120 youngsters going without dinner. Their stomachs may have been empty, but their souls definitely were not!?

Manara Ministries shares the love of Christ with the lost through its camping, literature, and mercy ministries. Thousands have come to know the Lord through the camp ministry alone, which began in the 1970s. Most of Jordan?s church leaders received their initial training and experience as counselors there.

The book ministry began as a bookshop serving this Middle East country?s evangelical community. Today, it has displays in secular book fairs and exhibitions throughout the region, using educational books along with Scripture and other Christian literature. By the year 2000, Manara had succeeded in distributing one million Bibles and New Testaments throughout the Arab world.

Manara?s relief efforts include micro-economic development projects through which financially struggling women from Muslim backgrounds have a chance to become economically self-sufficient. Manara also provides food, clothing, blankets, heaters and medical assistance to needy Christian families, including refugees from Palestine and Iraq. Two preschools serve as learning, counseling and evangelical centers in densely populated urban areas with large numbers of refugee families. Many mothers and other relatives have come to faith through this ministry.