• FEATURES \ Jul 31, 2001
    reads 4532
    Arab and Jewish Kids join on a mission trip to Romania
Arab and Jewish Kids join on a mission trip to Romania Israel is a land of hostility between Arabs and Jews but a unique ministry called ?King?s kids? brings together Christian Arab with Messianic Jewish kids in an atmosphere of respect and acceptance.

King?s Kids ministry has been going on in Israel for the last 8 years. It started in 1993 when a Swiss couple brought along a group of Swiss and German youngsters and started a summer camp with Arabs and Messianic believers in Christ.The camp was 3 weeks long of training, rehearsal, worship, praise and Bible studies.

In 1995 they put hands with the local ministry of the ?House of Light? in the town of Shefa?amr ,15 Miles to the North ? West of Nazareth. House of Light is a ministry run by Anis and Nawal Barhoum and focuses on rebuilding broken families.

In summer 1999 a camp was held on the land owned by the House of Light organization. Tents and other facilities were put there. A German group joined together with King?s Kids Jerusalem that are mostly Messianic.

Rajaa Barhoum, the 18 year daughter of Anis and Nawal from the House of Light explains the "Kings Kids" mission:

?In small action groups, we go out and tell the world about the secret of our unity although we come from two enemy nations. People find it so hard to believe that such a thing could ever happen but our living testimony for them speaks of the wonderful love of Jesus and His blood reconciling all who believe in Him.?

All year around 50 youngsters meet in two groups to learn how to get closer to the Lord, how to build a close relationship with Him and how to develop it.

The aim of King?s Kids is to get children and youngsters to learn how to be steady in the Lord . Those who are ready and steady shall move on to an outreach of faith, love and compassion through praise and worship, Bible studies, games ,pantomimes and drama in hospitals, old people's homes, orphanages, schools, churches and sometimes to the streets.

This coming summer of 2001 around 30 youngsters from Messianic Jews and Arab Christian believers 13-19 years of age, will travel to Romania to join a King?s Kids team there.

We learn how to accept one another and respect one another looking at all the good qualities we can find in each other and praying that we would all change so we can become more like Jesus, in our speech, life, love, faith and purity, that way we can make sure we are ready.

To Contact Raja Barhoum at King's Kids, please write to holight@netvision.net.il
