Jesus said:
“Please I leave with you; my peace I give you; Do not let your hearts be troubled, or afraid” (John 14:27)
We are greatly concerned at the deteriorating situation in the Occupied Territories of the Holy Land: Many families have been made homeless;
The closures have turned towns and cities into detention camps;The number of un-employed has risen dramatically resulting in tens of thousands hungry for their daily bread;
Whilst our children are confronted daily with a picture of bloodshed, violence, assassinations and murder.
Hatred and desire for revenge is rampant on both sides – Israeli & Palestinian.
Therefore, we call upon all our people, throughout this Land, to join us in intensifying our prayers for peace, with justice and reconciliation.
To this end we have arranged a period of daily PRAYER FOR PEACE at 6 pm. From Wednesday August 15th to Tuesday August 28th in the churches across the city.
We appeal also to our brothers and Sisters around the world – many of whom have already offered generous support – to link their prayers with ours at this special time according the following proposed program for Jerusalem:
Wednesday, Aug. 15th Armenian Cathedral of St. James, Old City, Armenian Quarter
Thursday, Aug. 16th St. Mark’s Syrian Orthodox Church, Old City, near Jaffa Gate
Friday, Aug. 17th Chapel of Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Road of Bethlehem
Saturday Aug. 18th Catholic Syrian Vicariate, 6, Chaldean Street, Nablus Road
Sunday, Aug. 19th Anglican Cathedral of St. George, 20, Nablus Road.
Monday, Aug, 20th Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Old City near Holy Sepulcher
Tuesday, Aug, 21st St. James Church, Nablus Road.
Wednesday, Aug, 22nd Dormition Abbey, Mount Sion.
Thursday, Aug, 23rd St. Anthony’s Coptic Church, Old City, near Holy Sepulcher
Friday, Aug, 24th Ethiopian Orthodox Church, West Jerusalem, off Prophet Street
Saturday, Aug, 25th The Blessed Sacrament Chapel, The Holy Sepulcher
Sunday, Aug, 26th Greek Catholic Church of Annunciation, Old City near Jaffa Gate
Monday, Aug, 27th St. Andrew’s Church of Scotland, near Railway Station.
Tuesday, Aug, 28th Chapel of Notre Dame Center, opposite New Gate.
Please continue to pray for a just peace & reconciliation to be implemented in this Holy Land.