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Come And See - Christian School Provides Training to Saints
Christian School Provides Training to Saints I grew up in a nominal Christian family and attended Sunday school from time to time when I was a child. The teacher used to tell the story of Jesus being the Good Shepherd and would describe the way He takes care of His sheep.

But I stopped going to church until 1989 when a friend invited me to an evangelical church. The speaker talked about Jesus and mentioned the fact that He was the Good Shepherd. Upon hearing this, my memory flashed back to what I was taught as a child. Then there was an altar call and I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior.

Earlier, my sister had accepted the Lord and faced a lot of opposition from my parents. But since my family had come to accept my sister?s decision, they did not react negatively to mine. My sister prayed for me for ten years before I became a believer.

I joined an evangelical church and then started a meeting for youth workers.

In 1994, I attended a missions conference. I was invited to work with an organization, but decided that this was not my calling. After my university graduation, I worked as an optician for two years, but then sensed God?s calling to missions. In 1998, I attended another missions conference and was again invited to join the organization; this time I said yes.

I decided to study theology, so having Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary close by made it easy for me to begin studying. Also, I did not have to leave my country to study and incur extra expenses.

The benefits of studying at JETS have multiplied beyond my expectations since it offered me international exposure to other JETS students from several Arab countries. I have learned many valuable and practical ministry applications from my cross-cultural and apologetics classes for immediate use in my outreach activities. Because of my studies at JETS, my understanding of the Word of God has grown deeper so I feel I can teach it better than before.

In addition to planting churches, my passion is to transmit the vision of missions to Arabs and train young men to become missionaries in the Arabic-speaking world. I have led short-term teams to five other Arab countries.