• TOP STORIES \ Aug 28, 2001
    reads 4066
    New Media Ministry for 10/40 Window launched in Finland
New Media Ministry for 10/40 Window launched in Finland Call For All is a media ministry, based in Finland and focus on the Arab World, preaching the gospel and spreading the good news to all.

CFA is in the process of producing TV and Radio programs to be used by the media stations and ministries to meet the ever-increasing demand for Christian programs.

CFA team have prayed for years and waited on the Lord, asked God to give the right direction, and asked for His grace to start this ministry on the right time. Now the team is confident that the time has come.


"God has opened the door for our dream to come true, the studio with the editing system is available and all facilities needed for the actual recording and filming are ready". "The challenge in front of us is huge, but we continue to be confident that the Lord will open all other doors and help us to co-operate with the right people, in the right time, in the right place. We are taking this step in faith, establishing CFA as a fulfillment of our vision to help others."

"We have a very blessed team around the world, they are our partners and prayer supporters, But the fact is we do not have financial recourses to meet our needs, or to face all the big challenges in front of us right now, Yet we have the most important thing, that is the faith in our hearts to start without stopping, To move mountains and gain people to Christ".

Target area and Goal?

CFA tragets to reach out for the millions of people living in the 10/40 Window, these people have not heard the gospel, and not only that, but also they misunderstand our Christianity and even consider it to be idol worship.

In addition the goal is to link the newly-born Christians with local churches, those who has taken the faith step and got saved, they need to get bible-teachings and discipleship. This we plan to do through bible-courses by correspondence.

What CFA would do in our coming days?

Gathering the team and contacting all who share our vision

Building a network in different parts of the world.

Ministering among Arabs who are living here in different cities of Finland, also expanding our services outside Finland, and sharing the vision with other ministries.

Producing TV programs to be broadcasted via satellite channels and local TV stations.

For more information about CFA contact us by e-mail, mailing, calling us or faxing at the following address:

Hani Henein

Call For All
P.O.Box 150
04201 Kerava, Finland

Cellular: 00 358 405493193 Fax: 00 358 9 274 444 55

E-mail: callforall@hotmail.com
