• OPINION \ Sep 05, 2001
    reads 3880
    Archbishop of Canterbury answers ComeandSee editor
Archbishop of Canterbury answers ComeandSee editor After visiting the Holy Land in July,Dr. George Carey ,the Archbishop of Canterbury, issued a statement urging Christians of the Holy land not to leave because of the turbulent situation.

In his words he expressed the concern of "Christians from the Holy Land leaving in despair, and we have to say it is because of frustration, a daily sense of humiliation" (review the story that was published in Come&See on July the 31st and can be found under Palestine in the web-site.

Botrus Mansour,co-editor of Come&See , wrote Dr. Carey an open letter regarding the above mentioned statements. In his letter Mr. Mansour thanked the Anglican leader for his concern and urged him to take actions that would help Christians in the Holy Land not to leave: to ask believers worldwide to pray for Christians in the Holy land, to work as peace makers between Israelis and Palestinians, not to export divisions or struggles between denominations to the Holy Land and to urge believers everywhere (and especially in the Holy land) to stick to Christ because that will give meaning to life (review the open letter that was published in Come&See on the 13th of August and could be found under "opinion" in the web-site).

The open letter was sent to the Anglican leader who answered through Revd Dr. Herman Browne, Officer for the Anglican Communion as follows:

"The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked me to thanks you for your letter which arrived whilst he was on holiday. He was grateful for your letter and what you had to say.

With best wishes for all you do to support the Christian community in Israel.


The Revd Dr. Herman Browne
The Archbishop of Canterbury's Officer for the Anglican Communion "