• EGYPT \ Oct 23, 2001
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    Egyptian Christians Unified in Prayer for Evangelism
Egyptian Christians Unified in Prayer for Evangelism CAIRO, EGYPT (October 23)?Christians in Egypt are gathering in record numbers this week to fast and pray for an unprecedented evangelistic outreach through a special series of meetings. And they are calling upon Christians in America and around the world to join them.

The focus of their prayers is a series of evangelistic meetings that will be held October 25 ? 29 in 800 churches throughout the nation.

The evangelistic services will be held in the largest evangelical church in Egypt for five nights, beginning on Thursday. Services will be videotaped and copies will be sent to 800 participating churches for viewing the next night.

Dr. Michael Youssef, founder and speaker on Leading The Way?s daily radio and weekly TV programs, has been invited to deliver the gospel messages every evening.

"In addition to bringing the gospel to the lost, one of the major purposes of this evangelistic outreach is to bring Christians together," says Dr. Youssef. "Many Christians in Egypt and throughout the Middle East feel isolated, and need fellowship with other believers."

Organizers expect 300,000 people to attend the revival meetings each night of the 5-night crusade. They are trusting God for 100,000 people to come to Christ.

Millions more will hear the same gospel messages through special radio and TV programs broadcast throughout the Middle East.

"This evangelistic campaign has been carefully planned and carried out by Egyptian Christians," according to Dr. Youssef. "They have simply asked me to bring the message. They have handled all of the promotion, training of counselors and will follow up on those who accept Christ. This is truly a remarkable example of what God can do when His children work together."