• EGYPT \ Nov 02, 2001
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    Record Numbers of Conversions at Egypt Evangelistic Meetings
Record Numbers of Conversions at Egypt Evangelistic Meetings CAIRO, EGYPT (October 29, 2001)- Thursday night in Cairo, a young man from a prominent Egyptian family tried to deaden the pain of his life with a dose of drugs. Twenty-four hours later, he found himself weeping in repentance at an evangelistic meeting.

When this young man woke up Friday morning,, he found an invitation to attend the Egypt's Nation-wide Revival meeting slipped under his door. Out of curiosity, he decided to attend rather than getting high on drugs. After hearing Dr. Michael Youssef explain God's eternal love for mankind, this young man prayed and accepted Christ as His Savior.

During the during the revival meetings, he was one of the more than 1,500 people who made this same commitment. Each night hundreds of churches throughout Egypt participated in the nationwide evangelistic outreach and tens of thousands responded to the invitation to become Christians.

"We have never seen so many people attend one church service than were at the final service," said Dr. Sameh Maurice, associate pastor of the church that is sponsoring these revival meetings. "[At the Cairo church alone,] there were 3,500 - 4,000 people inside the building while another 1 - 2,000 people stood outside eagerly listening to the gospel message. The police had to block off the streets to handle the crowds!"

Each night of the five-day series more than 3,000 people attended services at Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church in Cairo. They listened to music, videotaped testimonies and a gospel message from Dr. Michael Youssef. These services were videotaped and copies were duplicated overnight and sent to nearly 800 participating churches.

Those who attended services each evening were encouraged to go home and gather friends to listen to the radio program of the previous evening's services broadcast on a powerful Trans World Radio station aired throughout the Middle East.

A series of five television programs based on these evangelistic services will be aired in early and mid-November by two Christian satellite services-Middle East Television and SAT-7.

Dr. Michael Youssef preaches to millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa each week on his radio and television programs. His Arabic-English radio program "Together on the Road" is aired three times each week on two powerful AM radio stations in Cyprus and Monte Carlo. His TV program is released weekly on Middle East Television with Arabic sub-titles.

Dr. Michael Youssef is the founder and speaker on Leading The Way's daily radio and weekly television programs. The English radio program can be heard on nearly 800 radio outlets throughout the U. S. as well as in Canada, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. The television program is carried throughout the U.S. and in Australia. Leading The Way also produces a Mandarin-English program that is aired twice each week into China.
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 , May 18, 2011 9:14