• TOP STORIES \ Dec 16, 2001
    reads 3852
    Cross of Nails Presented to Musalaha
Cross of Nails Presented to Musalaha The Musalah Ministry was awarded a Cross of Nails by Coventry Cathedral of Coventry, England.

The Community of the Cross of Nails is one of the oldest and most extensive networks of organizations dedicated to reconciliation. Musalaha board, staff and friends were invited to attend the presentation. Afterwards, the group walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. As one of the participants suggested, "This must have been a strange-looking procession: Israeli Jews, Palestinians, foreigners, an Anglican bishop, an Orthodox archbishop and priest, all walking down the street together." What a testimony to the unity and variety in the body of the Messiah!

Musalaha is a ministry that brings Christian Arabs and Messianic Jews together to present the Love of Jesus. They held two prayer meetings that took place in November. In the North of Israel, 24 ladies met for an evening of prayer. Lisa Loden, coordinator, reports, "We felt that it was important to pray for things and people, rather than against them," so the prayer focused on the peoples of this land, our governments, nations, and the body of the Messiah.

Twenty leaders also came together for an afternoon of prayer and fellowship. During their time of worship and prayer, several expressed the desire to find practical ways to advance reconciliation. One leader expressed, "I feel with mu people who are killed and who are victims of the crisis, but I haven't been able to feel the agony and pain of the other side of the divide. I appeal to our brothers to help us visit the bereaved on the other side so that we can come close to understanding their pain. I would also be glad to help anyone who would want to come to us."

Muslaha has also been is also holding programs for youth. As follow up for the youth programs, the youth participants are completing a social service project. As part of this project, Musalaha already prepared Hanukkah gift packages for Israeli foster homes. Next week, the young people will come to Jerusalem to prepare food packages for needy families in the Bethlehem and Jerusalem areas.