This is an issue that first emerged in late 1997 and erupted into nasty violence at Easter 1999 where the militant Islamic group attacked Christians and their property instilling much fear. An attempt was made to ensure that the Israeli government would not allow the building of this mosque on land that had been designated as a plaza where pilgrims visiting the Church could assemble. Petitions at the time went unheeded.
For several months the matter has been quiet but recently building activity has begun and despite further protests the government is not intervening. According to Ray Lockhart from the United Christian Council in Israel, "Clearly they do not want to provoke further violence (which is understandable), but we believe this is a short sighted policy in the light of enabling a militant Islamic group to stake out a presence so close to the largest Church in the Middle East".
The coalition has launched a web site, check it out at www.helpnazareth.org