• FEATURES \ Feb 06, 2002
    reads 3685
    Egyptian Evangelizes London?s Muslims
Egyptian Evangelizes London?s Muslims A tenacious Egyptian woman is credited with leading Muslims to Jesus in London. Katrina MacNab's friendship with many in the city's growing Islamic community has given her a door to present the gospel. A widow in her 40s, MacNab challenges an aggressive Islamic mission campaigning successfully among both immigrants and black Londoners who have long-experienced Christianity as the "white man's religion." "With no need to work undercover I have been evangelizing in the streets on a daily basis the past 12 years -- never encountering a problem, not even addressing Muslim men," MacNab said.

She learned the evangelistic trade as a medical student in Tunis, the capital of Muslim Tunisia, in North Africa. There Christianity is an outlawed, underground movement. At age 20, MacNab -- then a Roman Catholic believer -- was "touched deeply" by a local Pentecostal pastor's way of sharing the gospel with Muslims. After moving to London to study, she found even greater possibilities.

MacNab and her team invite Muslims to watch the "Jesus" film in their own language or to chat over a quiet cup of coffee. She offers Bible studies and Sunday worship in Arabic, as well as legal assistance and language training. MacNab is a member of the interracial New Life Church in predominantly black Brixton, South London.