• EGYPT \ Feb 15, 2002
    reads 4015
    SAT-7 Opens Media Center in Cairo
SAT-7 Opens Media Center in Cairo CAIRO, EGYPT (ANS) -- SAT-7 has taken a major step forward in its ministry of building bridges between Christians in the Middle East and North Africa with the opening of this spectacular media center in Cairo, Egypt.

The Egyptian staff of SAT-7, an exceptional broadcasting group that is a partnership of some 30 agencies, including the United Bible Societies, Campus Crusade for Christ and local churches in countries such as Egypt, Lebanon and Kuwait, was able to get the new building, located on El Mokatam Hill overlooking the city, ready for its two official openings.

"Both events went very well, with over 300 attending," said a spokesperson for SAT-7. "They were of course lengthy affairs where, in Egyptian style, every church or interest group had to contribute something! Each event lasted nearly three hours, excluding the meals served afterwards.

"The first opening, at noon on Friday 18 January, was attended by heads of churches (with all denominations well represented), leaders of Christian ministries in Egypt, all staff and some people from the local television and film industry. This was a more formal event than the second one and included times for all churches to make a contribution.

"The second opening, at 6pm on Saturday 19 January, was for local supporters of the work and also included the government security representative and quite a range of dignitaries. The evening included live music from a well-known Christian singing group."

Both events included the showing of a number of videos - showcasing what SAT-7 Egypt has done over the past year.

"The main studio is nearly finished (insulation wise) but the lighting grid has yet to go in and the access doors still need finishing ... but, despite this, several segments have already been shot in the studio, for lack of alternative facilities," said the SAT-7 leader.
