• TOP STORIES \ Mar 26, 2002
    reads 4070
    Nazareth Village concludes a special Easter tour
Nazareth Village concludes a special Easter tour The first century recreation of Nazareth in the time of Jesus Nazareth Village in Nazareth,Israel concluded special tours for Easter.

The tour present the via doloroza and the cruxifiction. In a touchy scenery ,Jesus was cruxified on the hill side while special hymns where being song.

The Nazareth Village has been getting lots of international attention lately. In an article by Lou Marano from the United Press titled "Throigh Armageddon, to Nazareth and beyond" the following was written:

"In Nazareth, the lovely Basilica of the Annunciation is built over the grotto where, tradition has it, the angel Gabriel informed Mary of the impending birth of Jesus. But for those interested in history and antiquities as well as religion, the living exhibits, tours and excavations at Nazareth Village are a must.

It's hard to do justice to this surprise highlight in this brief space. It is a full-scale recreation -- restoration, actually -- of a slice of the village in Jesus' time -- including homes, storage caves and a synagogue -- set on the last remaining field that has been farmed since the 1st century. Arab villagers herd sheep and tend crops in authentic period dress.

On the original hillside terraces grow the crops of ancient Galilee -- olives, almonds, grapes, wheat, barley, figs, and carob. After an informative tour of the study center, Yacov, our Russian Christian guide, showed us a wine press carved into rock dating from Jesus' time. With Bible in hand, Jacov led us through the fields, explaining the agricultural context of Jesus' parables in ways that are enlightening even to those very familiar with the stories."