For more than three years Mar Elias College at Ibillin has, jointly with Indianapolis University USA been constructing University programmes and an infrastructure towards the inauguration of the first Arab University in Israel. Several programmes have already been accredited by Indianapolis and NCAA, the major accreditation body in North America, and have been submitted to the Commission for Higher Education in Israel, for their approval. It is planned that the University, which begins as the Israeli campus of Indianapolis University, will begin at the present MEEI campus at Ibillin, moving later to its own site, still in Galilee.
Christians of all denominations in Israel are hungry for knowledge of God and His Son Jesus Christ, of the Bible, and of the History of the rise and development of the Christian Church; (Catholic, Latin Orthodox and Protestant) especially as it affects their own lives. Work have began, along with Indianapolis University in USA, to put together a BA in theology Degree program. From this construction, which includes a Theology major, a History of the Holy Land minor and a General Education Core component, Higher Diploma in Theology degree is extracted, which is effectively the first two years of the Degree. The Program for Higher Diploma in Theology, leading to a BA in Theology will start in October of this year.
?The great task is to equip the ministers of the Churches, Leaders, Priests, Pastors, Deacons etc. Teachers of Religion in schools and so many Christians in the congregations who are keen to grow in knowledge, with a theology which is both powerful to communicate the knowledge of God in Christ and is immediately relevant to their lives in Israel?, says Rev. Dr. J. Bryson Arthur, Head of the Department of Divinity & Holy Land Studies.
?This must be a ?theology of power for reconciliation. Reconciliation with God and reconciliation in the Holy Land?. ?At present the Church in Israel has little presence, little confidence and little or no voice. In this task of bringing theology to Galilee we are involved in an interdenominational and therefore ecumenical endeavor which ?must? succeed. We must develop and institute a theology of grace and not judgment, forgiveness and not revenge, unconditional love and not hatred, self denial and not radical selfishness, truth and not lies about the other?.
The program will begin in September 2002 with three weeks of preparation: English language study, introduction to academic study itself and especially theological study before embarking on the Higher Diploma beginning on October 14. Teaching will be mostly in English with strong Arabic support where necessary. An English/Arabic Support Center will be available to students at all times throughout the program. All courses are set as modules and may be taken individually by part time students either as a means of gaining knowledge about God apart from a qualification, or towards the Higher Diploma, or Degree, over a longer period.