• OTHER \ Jun 15, 2002
    reads 3711
    B'nai Brith Canada forms alliance with Christians for Israel
B'nai Brith Canada forms alliance with Christians for Israel B'nai Brith Canada and Christians for Israel, an international pro-Israel group, have formed an "historic alliance" aimed at improving inter-faith relations and boosting support for Israel within the Canadian government.

According to Frank Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada, the alliance between the two groups is multipurpose. "First," said Dimant, "it is to bring together Jews and Christians for joint missions to travel throughout Israel."

This past week, delegates from both groups concluded the alliance's first tour of Israel, including visits to West Bank towns Ariel and Ma'aleh Adumim. By the end of next year, they plan to bring 18 missions composed of both Jews and Christians. The final trip is set to include 1,000 participants of both faiths.

The second goal, said Dimant, "is to develop educational programs in which members of B'nai Brith speak at churches, and Christians speak at synogogues."

"It is imperative for the Jewish community to understand that there are Christians who are totally committed to the safety and welfare of the state of Israel," he said.

The third goal, said Dimant, is to lobby the Canadian government to change its policies toward Israel. For instance, the group opposes the current government's classification of Judea and Samaria as "occupied territories."

"This is a critical component because it would be from both Jews and Christians," he said. "A new voice in the equation, one that is beyond the Jewish community, one which reflects tremendous numbers."

Dean Bye, the International Vice - President of Christians for Israel, quoted Genesis as the inspiration for the move. "'Those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse it will be cursed,'" Bye said.

He added that although he had toured Israel in the past, "to go through Israel together with Jews brought a greater reality. It was absolutely amazing."

Christians for Israel has chapters in North America, Europe, and Australia.
