• PALESTINE \ Jul 16, 2002
    reads 6024
    Satan's Strategy in Gaza
Satan's Strategy in Gaza Hanna Massad is pastor of Gaza Baptist Church, the only evangelical church in the 224-square mile Gaza Strip ? the most densely populated piece of real estate on earth. Dr. Massad and his tiny congregation are the only hope for reaching Gaza?s 1.2 million Muslims with the gospel. And the gospel is the only remaining hope for peace in the Middle East.

No wonder, then, that Hanna Massad is Satan?s most strategic target in the Gaza Strip. And the devil may soon enjoy a major victory unless Western Christians act immediately.

Two years ago, after earning his doctorate at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, Hanna Massad returned to the Gaza Strip, answering God?s call to pastor and help his church take the Good News to the region?s vast Arab population. And last summer, he married a young Palestinian woman named Suhad Salsa.

Three months after their wedding, while Hanna was in the U.S. on ministry business, Suhad, who holds a Jordanian passport, went to Amman to visit her family. Since then, the Israeli Embassy in Jordan has refused every request to issue her a visa to return to her husband in Gaza.

Dr. Massad has done everything he can, including securing the services of attorney Jonathan Kuttab, who has filed a petition in the Israeli courts. Friends in the United States have tried to help by asking Rep. Dick Armey (R-TX), Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and others to intercede on Pastor Hanna?s behalf. Every request was refused.

In a recent email message, Hanna wrote that if Suhad he has exhausted every option and fears that, if Suhad is unable to get a visa to return to Gaza, ?I will have to go live in Amman.?

Should Satan succeed in driving out of Gaza the only evangelical pastor, he would leave the sole evangelical congregation without a shepherd and effectively cripple this young evangelism movement among over one million Muslims.

?Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered? (Zechariah 13:7).

Concerned Christians in the West who want to help restore Suhad to her husband and support evangelism among Palestinian Muslims are encouraged to petition the Israeli ambassador in Jordan:
Mr. David Dadonn
P.O. Box 950866
Amman 11195 JORDAN

Messages urging Suhad?s release may also be faxed to the embassy at 962-6-5525176. Anyone wishing to call directly (Jordan is 8 hours ahead of Central Time) may telephone the embassy at 962-6-552-6157.

Or email amman@israel.org
