Patriarch Shinoda revealed that he had complained to the Egyptian
authorities about articles in the government papers Al-Ahram Al-Arabi
and Al-Akhbar, that he felt had insulted Christians. He said, "We
have a common enemy, Zionism, but fighting it does not mean harming
the Torah or the New Testament, and thus losing the Christians in the
world... There is no such thing as 'Christian Zionism;ي some
Christians sympathize with the Jews, and they deviate from
Christianity and adopt wrong ideas."
Patriarch Shinoda also discussed the situation of the Copts in Egypt,
saying: "All we want is equal relations between the two parts of the
[Arab] nation, because often the Christians do not find reasonable
space in which to function... No one accepts the American preacher's
[Jerry Falwell] attack on Islam in a loathsome manner. Yet I cannot
even count the articles, books, and publications attacking Christians
in Egypt, and we let these things pass, so as not to start big
problems, or even small ones..."
Only 2 Out of 444 in the Egyptian Parliament are Copts
"There is a difference between Egyptian laws and their implementation
in practice. The constitution and the laws set out the equality of
rights and obligations of Muslims and Christians in Egypt. But in
reality the situation is different. For example, out of 444
candidates elected to parliament, only three [Christians] have
succeeded [in being elected], one of whom was fired because he held
another citizenship in addition to his Egyptian citizenship. Don't
the Christians have a right to be properly represented in
parliament...? The same goes for the representation of the Copts in
the unions and popular councils."
Coptic leaders and journalists criticizing "Christian Zionism" or
"Christianity in the West" are not a new phenomenon.(2) However,
Patriarch Shinoda's statements concerning the inequality of Egypt's
Copts, and his reference to "proper political representation" in
particular, were very unusual.
The Copt weekly Watani recently ran an editorial criticizing the
treatment of Christians in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world in
general. In an article titled "The Emigration of Arab Christians - A
Steady Hemorrhage," Watani editor Youssef Sidhom wrote: "... [There
is a] contradiction between the official [Arab] stance on the
citizenship rights accorded to all the sons and daughters of the same
country, regardless of their religious identity, and the everyday
practice whereby these rights are denied. Where citizens of 'the
other religion' are concerned, the written laws, rules, and
regulations which stipulate equal rights for all are at a total
discord with reality that breeds a host of grievances and
afflictions. The resentment towards the other religious identity
casts gloomy shades on our region, and prevails on all levels,
starting with the local and regional political, cultural, and media
spheres, and extending to tint our interaction with global events.
This deplorable state of affairs - openly discussed in private
conversation - is intentionally ignored by the media and the
political arena...
Christians in Saudi Arabia
In his article, Sidhom wrote of the reactions he had received to an
article by Saudi Prince Talal bin Abd Al-'Aziz Al-Sa'ud, published in
early 2002 in Watani (as well as in other papers identified with
Christian communities across the Arab world, such as the Lebanese
Al-Nahar). In the article, Prince Talal called upon Christians in the
Arab world not to emigrate to the West. One response was sent to
Al-Watani by an Egyptian who had returned from Saudi Arabia. He
sought to stress the difference between what Prince Talal wrote and
what reality was like:
"If the steady migration of Arab Christians from their homelands is
ever to be stemmed, the real reasons that drive them away in the
first instance should be revealed. The climate of inequality and
continuous harassment that plagues their everyday lives is a
well-known reality that can no longer be denied or cloaked in flowery
rhetoric. I am an Egyptian who left Egypt in pursuit of a better
livelihood. I worked in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, and the
UAE. Whereas I was welcomed and accepted by most of the people of
these countries, I was met with bitter hate and fanaticism against
anything or anybody Christian in Saudi Arabia. Saudi hate does not
stop at harassing Christians and chasing them [even] outside the
Saudi Kingdom at the least indication of their religious identity. It
extends to adopting active policies to export the hate to all
neighboring countries. I list here a few examples:"
* "Saudi customs list of contraband material includes - in addition
to drugs, liquor, pornographic material and the like - anything in
the shape of the cross, even if only in decorative formations, as
well as any Christian books, pictures, or publications."
* "A Greek young man who went to Saudi Arabia for business was
harassed at Jeddah airport by the customs official who pulled off a
cross pendant he wore about his neck and threw it violently in the
waste basket."
* "A European woman married to a Palestinian Muslim carried in her
luggage an icon of the Holy Virgin that had been given to her as a
child by her grandmother. Her luggage was searched, the icon
confiscated and thrown into the waste basket."
* "A Christian who was walking in the street in Jeddah was stopped by
the Mutawaيah (the Muslim Religious Police) and asked why he was not
at the mosque for afternoon prayers. Upon replying that he was
Christian, the Mutawiي [policeman] cried out 'Aيudhu Billah' (I seek
Allah's protection!) and spat on the Christian's face."
* "On a television programme that provides religious counseling
[fatwa] a viewer asked the counseling Sheikh if he could travel to
Egypt to hand an item he had in safekeeping over to a Christian
friend's family. The Sheikh reprimanded the viewer for having a
Christian friend in the first place - Muslims were not permitted to
take Christian friends. He then went on to advise the viewer to keep
the item in question for himself, since all possessions of kuffaar
(non-believers) were the rightful property of Muslims."
* "The same Sheikh was asked for advice by a Saudi student who was
leaving to the U.S to study, and feared for his virtue. The Sheikh
advised him to marry an American as soon as he arrived to the U.S.,
on condition that he would not have any babies by that 'wife,' then
divorce her once his scholarship was over and he was ready to head
back home."
* "Anyone found in possession of a Bible or known to have met with
others in Christian prayer meetings is arrested, questioned, and
Coptic Criticism of Egyptian Government's Remarks about State
Department Report on Religious Freedom
In the previous issue of Watani, columnist Sameh Fawzi had criticized
the Egyptian government press's quoting only the words of praise to
Egypt from the 2002 U.S. State Department report on religious freedom
in Egypt and disregarding the criticism that it included:
"The government press does not know that by employing this method it
does damage to Egypt and presents its journalists as ignorant
[people] who do not know English - or as who collaborate with the
government in distorting the consciousness of the masses who do not
have the opportunity to read these reports. As one who belongs to
those who call for transparency, I present parts of the report that
were not published in the government papers:"
"There is still governmental discrimination against non-Muslims. No
Christian can hold the position of governor, university president, or
faculty dean. [Only] a small number of Christians hold top police
posts. The government pays the salaries of the Muslim imams, but not
of Christian clerics. Al-Azhar University does not accept Christian
students, even though it is funded by both Muslim and Christian
taxpayers. The procedures for building a church are much more lengthy
[than the procedures for building a mosque]... The security forces
have prevented church construction even though building permits were
obtained. The government has failed to take resolute stands or
decisions against the violation of religious freedom by
non-government or local elements."
"These are some of the things that were not mentioned in the
government press, which praised the report and presented it as the
government's character reference ..."
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