• ISRAEL \ Jan 30, 2003
    reads 1467
    High Court Grants Building Permit for Jewish Congregation
High Court Grants Building Permit for Jewish Congregation On Wednesday, January 29, Israel?s High Court convened to decide the appeal submitted by the semi-governmental anti-Christian Orthodox organisation, Yad Le?Achim, against Grace and Truth?s building permit. This followed a ruling in the congregation?s favour in Israel?s Southern Regional Court, presided over by the President of the Southern Regional Court.

The High Court held an extensive discussion, cross-examining the lawyers representing both sides for about two hours, focusing primarily on the technical issues whether or not such a building as we were constructing is allowable in an area zoned as is our mixed commercial and industrial area. Finally a decision was rendered ? in favour of the congregation. This is a landmark decision. All legal obstacles to constructing our building have been removed ? there is no higher court of appeal.

The Church would like to give thanks to all who have prayed for them, supported them financially in the course of this expensive legal struggle and for those who wrote to tell they are praying for them.
