• TOP STORIES \ Apr 05, 2003
    reads 4016
    An attempt to assassinate Patriarch Erineos
An attempt to assassinate Patriarch Erineos

A strange affair came to light today. A Palestinian arrested by the Palestinian Authority maintains that he received a large amount of money by an individual inside the Patriarchate of Jerusalem to assassinate Patriarch Erineos. The Palestinian allegedly said that the man who paid him was a Metropolite and according to information, he has named him.

In a statement issued by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem it is stressed that the Patriarch is well, clarifying that he was never aware of a suspicious move against him.

In the statement issued by the Patriarchate it is pointed out that the suspect is still questioned by the authorities and the Patriarch follows the developments closely with total confidence in the Palestinian and Israeli authorities as well as the Greek Orthodox Christian clerics serving in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
