The state of Israel is celebrating 53 years of independence today and boasting that it's population increased since 1948 by 8 folds - from 650,000 to over 6.4 Million.
5.2 Million Jews live in Israel and make some 81% percent of Israel's population. The other Israeli residents, 1.2 millions, come from four main groups: Muslim, Christian, and Druze natives - and some 200,000 new immigrants from the Former Soviet Union who were eligibale to immigarete to Israel by having Jewish spouses.
Israel's official Central Bureau of Statistics ( CBS) claims in a press release published on this festive day that the Jewish population in Israel increased mainly from the mass immigrartion movement that brought 2.9 million Jews to Israel during the last 53 years. In the meantime some 600,000 Jews left the country at the same period of time.
The Muslims increased their share inside the Arab minority in Israel from 70% in 1949 to 82% last year. The Christians were the only group in Israel to loose ground. They made some 21% of the Arabs in 1949, but only 10% last year. Many of the 200,000 new Israeli immigrants from East European countries are Christians by birth and culture and may become in the near future a potential addition to the dwindling native Christians in the Holy Land.
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