• TOP STORIES \ Dec 07, 2007
    reads 6673
    Evangelical Leaders Reiterate Call for Two-State Solution
Evangelical Leaders Reiterate Call for Two-State Solution With these cautious but hopeful beginnings, over 80 evangelical leaders have signed a statement indicating their belief "that the way forward is for the Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a fair, two-state solution."

These leaders—including Christian college and seminary presidents, denominational heads, and other ministry leaders—pledge their "ongoing support for the security of Israel," and state that "unless the situation between Israel and Palestine improves quickly, the consequences will be devastating" for Israel. Palestinians with little economic opportunity "are increasingly sympathetic to radical solutions."

The full text of their statement and the list of signatories follow.

An Evangelical Statement on Israel/Palestine As evangelical Christians committed to the full authority of the Scriptures, we feel compelled to make a statement together at this historic moment in the life of the Holy Land.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is near a momentous turning point. The strife has continued—sometimes simmering, sometimes exploding in terrible conflict—for decades.

In the context of our ongoing support for the security of Israel, we believe that unless the situation between Israel and Palestine improves quickly, the consequences will be devastating. Palestinians—especially the youth who have no economic opportunity—are increasingly sympathetic to radical solutions and terrorism. As a result, the threat to Israel's security is now greater.

Likewise, the threat to America's national security is greater. Because so many of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims see America through the prism of Israel-Palestine, the longer the current situation continues, the more likely it is that anti-American attitudes, policies, and terrorist activities will increase dramatically among Muslims worldwide.

As evangelical Christians, we believe our faith compels us to speak a word together at this crucial moment.

The Bible clearly teaches that God longs for justice and peace for all people. We believe that the principles about justice taught so powerfully by the Hebrew prophets apply to all nations, including the United States, Israel, and the Palestinians. Therefore we are compelled to work for a fair, negotiated solution for both Israelis and Palestinians. We resolve to work diligently for a secure, enduring peace and a flourishing economy for the democratic State of Israel. We also resolve to work for a viable permanent, democratic Palestinian State with a flourishing economy that offers economic opportunity to all its people. We believe that the way forward is for the Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a fair, two-state solution.

We are encouraged that the Israeli and Palestinian governments have officially endorsed a two-state solution and that polls demonstrate that solid majorities in both Israel and Palestine embrace this path.

We call on all evangelicals, all Christians, and everyone of good will to join us to work and pray faithfully in the coming months for a just, lasting two-state solution in the Holy Land. We call on all involved governments to work diligently toward this goal. And we covenant to pray for the leaders of all the nations engaged in this effort, hoping for them the blessing of our Lord, who said, "Blessed are the peacemakers."

As we work and pray, we are strengthened by the truth that Christ will return some day to complete his victory over sin and injustice, and we are empowered by the knowledge that until He comes again, He summons us to support the things that promote peace and justice for everyone in the Holy Land.

Signatories of An Evangelical Statement on Israel/Palestine

Thomas Armiger, General Superintendent
The Wesleyan Church

Gayle D. Beebe, President
Westmont College

David Black, President
Eastern University

Marilyn Borst, Director of Global Ministry
Peachtree Presbyterian Church

Ed Boschman, Executive Director
U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches

David C. Brown, Chair
Evangelical Child & Family Agency

George K. Brushaber, President
Bethel University

Gary M. Burge, Professor of New Testament
Wheaton College

Tony Campolo, President/Founder
Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education

R. Judson Carlberg, President
Gordon College

Joseph Castleberry, President
Northwest University

Paul A. Cedar, Chairman
Mission America Coalition

Thomas A. Curry, Senior Minister
Round Lake Community Church

Craig C. Darling, U.S. Director
India Rural Evangelical Fellowship

Murray Dempster, President
Vanguard University

G. Blair Dowden, President
Huntington University

Robert P. Dugan, Jr., Retired
National Association of Evangelicals

Merrill Ewert, President
Fresno Pacific University

Leighton Ford, President
Leighton Ford Ministries

Arthur Evans Gay, Minister-at-Large Evangelical Initiatives International

Jules Glanzer, President Elect
Tabor College

Vernon Grounds, Chancellor
Denver Seminary

Ronald Habegger, President
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches

Jack Haberer, Editor
The Presbyterian Outlook

Mike Hagan, President
Sioux Falls Seminary

Stephen A. Hayner, Professor
Columbia Theological Seminary

Dennis Hollinger, President
Evangelical Theological Seminary

Jim Holm, President
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary

John Hubers, Former Director of Reformed Church Mission Program, Middle East and South Asia
Reformed Church in America

John A. Huffman, Jr., Pastor
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach Board Chair, Christianity Today International

Ken Hunn, Executive Director
The Brethren Church

Joel Hunter, Senior Pastor
Northland Church

John K. Jenkins, Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Glenarden

Bruce W. Jones
National Association of Evangelicals

J. Ellsworth Kalas, President
Asbury Theological Seminary

John F. Kim, Interim President
Northern Seminary

Peter Kuzmic, President
Evangelical Theological Seminary (Osijek, Croatia)

Duane Litfin, President
Wheaton College

Jo Anne Lyon, CEO
World Hope International

V. James Mannoia, President
Greensville College

Molly T. Marshall, President
Central Baptist Theological Seminary

Kevin T. McBride, Senior Pastor
Raymond Baptist Church

Larry J. McKinney, President
Simpson University

Gregory A. Monaco, Associate Field Director, Youth for Christ/USA

Royce L. Money, President
Abilene Christian University

Richard Mouw, President
Fuller Theological Seminary

Shirley A. Mullen, President
Houghton College

Mike O'Neal, President
Oklahoma Christian University

David Neff, Editor-in-Chief
Christianity Today

Glenn R. Palmberg, President
Evangelical Covenant Church

Earl F. Palmer, Minister
University Presbyterian Church

Linda Pampeyan, Consultant
Leadership Renewal Center

Ted W. Pampeyan, Director
Leadership Renewal Center

David L. Parkyn, President
North Park University

Roger Parrot, President
Belhaven College

Jerry Pence, General Superintendent
The Wesleyan Church

Rita Rihani, Professor of Arabic
North Park University

Bob Roberts, Pastor
Northwood Church

Bill Robinson, President
Whitworth University

Haddon W. Robinson, President
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Leonard Rodgers, Executive Director
Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding

Andrew Ryskamp, Director
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee

Michael G. Scales, President
Nyack College/ATS

Chris Seiple, President
Institute for Global Engagement

Robert Seiple, Former Ambassador-at-Large
for International Religious Freedom

Ronald J. Sider, President
Evangelicals for Social Action

James Skillen, President
Center for Public Justice

Wallace Smith, President
Palmer Theological Seminary

Glen H. Stassen, Lewis Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics
Fuller Theological Seminary

Gary W. Streit, President
Malone College

Joseph Tkach, President
Worldwide Church of God

Paul Vicalvi, Chaplains Commission Executive Director
National Association of Evangelicals

Harold Vogelaar, Professor Emeritus
Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago

Berten Waggoner, National Director
Vineyard USA

Don Wagner, Professor
North Park University

John Wagner, Pastor
Andover Congregational Church

Jon R. Wallace, President
Azusa Pacific University

Jim Wallis, Editor

Bob Wenz Renewing Total Worship Ministries

Luder G. Whitlock, Executive Director The Trinity Forum

John P. Williams, Jr., Regional Director
Evangelical Friends International - North America

Craig Williford, President
Denver Seminary

Earl L. Wilson, General Superintendent
The Wesleyan Church

Larry E. Yonker, Vice-President
The Elevation Group