• ISRAEL \ Feb 09, 2008
    reads 4878
    Bishop Riah asks the intervention of leading clergy over Nazareth school dispute
Bishop Riah asks the intervention of leading clergy over Nazareth school dispute Dear Friends,

A theologian named Karl Barth was giving a lecture about that scene in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tempted Eve. He was interrupted by one question. Professor, someone said: “did the serpent actually speak?” Barth replied: “the question is not whether the serpent spoke but rather what did it say.”

The new Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem did not honor what was agreed upon by the Provincial Bishops in February 2007 namely “Dignified Silence.” From day one he went ahead issuing different statements with the intention of undermining the work and achievements of his predecessor.

Friends forwarded a copy of a statement which bishop Suhail recently circulated. Bishop Riah, though often chose to stay away from the strategy of tit for tat, found himself under obligation and challenged to respond.

PLEASE – do not turn a blind eye.

Rania R.
Bishop Riah’s Assistant
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Dear Friends,

Salaam, grace from our Lord Jesus Christ and greetings from Nazareth – the Mother City of our Faith.

In response to the statement made by Suhail Dawani, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, may I respond with the following:

Bishop Suhail and others may burry the truth for 3 days but the truth will rise again.

1. There was never a Diocesan Office in Nazareth. Certainly not within Bishop Riah Educational Campus. The Diocesan offices are in Jerusalem, Amman and Beirut.

2.The letter referred to in that statement requesting me to vacate a Diocesan Office was and is irrelevant. The reference to the other request asking for an explanation is groundless. With all due respect, it is a lie. As seems it boils down to an office rather than an educational center and a human ministry.

3. All informed know that many years and long hours during day and night have been invested in fund raising locally and internationally, and in building what became one of the best educational centers in Israel. We as a family never claimed the dead stones. The Living Stones were and are on top of our concern. Otherwise, if what Bishop Suhail states about us wanting to possess the school (the stones) is right, why would there be any need for a Society (Amotah) to run the campus??!

4. It was at the request of the Ministry of Education in Israel that the Amotah (Society or Charity) was instituted.

The following are the Members of the Society; some of whom are Ex-Members of the old Board and others representing the Parents Guild:

Dr. Nakhleh Bishara, Medical Doctor I.D. # 020814026

Dr. Akram Hassoun, Mayor of Carmel City, I.D. # 055178248

Dr. Sami Dibbini, Psychiatrist, I.D. # 020588166

Dr. Elias Eidi, Councilor, Academic Advisor to the Amotah I.D. # 056887334

Mr. Amer Mousmar, Advocate, I.D. # 027633205

Mr. Mohammad Darawshe, Co-Director – Abraham Fund, I.D. # 058553074

Mr. Nehru Na’ara, Tax Advisor, Chairman of the Parents Guild I.D. # 056952633

As for Suad my wife, had it not been for her part in my life, much of what has been accomplished would not have been realized. To include her in the Amotah is simply a gesture to honor her participation in the wonderful ministry called Bishop Riah Educational Campus.

5. Supported by the parents of the students and the many friends through out the world, by the grace of God, I managed to raise the necessary funds to build the Campus. I - personally, and NOT as a Bishop or a priest, often guaranteed the school account when it went in the red by hundreds of thousands of shekels. The director of Mercantile Discount Bank – Mr. Riad Dibbini - is prepared to testify to this. His telephone number is 972 4 6575918.

6. The reference about people highly respected in the community who offered to mediate is true. However, while I gladly and thankfully accepted and committed myself to complying with whatever settlement they would reach at, Bishop Suhail always declined. The following may be reached at the telephone numbers below for you to ascertain this fact:

Patriarch Michael Sabbah – R.C. 972 2 6282323
Bishop Paul Marcuso – R.C. 972 4 6554075
Bishop Mouneeb Younan – Lutheran 972 2 6266800 or 972 546345192
Muwaffaq Tarif – Head of the Druz Community 972 505 40840
Fahoum Atif – A Moslem Dignitary 972 4 6554506
Parents Guild C/O Chairman Nehru Na’ara 972 505400972
Mr. Wajeeh Awad – Anglican Member of the School Board 972 522256300

*Perhaps I should indicate that the first attempt came while I was still the Diocesan, in February 2007, when His Grace Archbishop Rowan Williams, having become aware of difficulties in relationships, named Bishop Michael of Exeter as an Honest Broker to bridge the gap. I thankfully accepted and made the necessary booking to fly to England while bishop Suhail bluntly declined.

7. Relations deteriorated between the School Administration and bishop Suhail. The Parents Guild became alarmed about the future ministry of the school. At one of their meetings they resolved that whatever contributions, fees for improvement, etc made by them, be entrusted to the Amotah. Only then, an account was established. Such monies deposited in this new account are under the direct supervision of the Registrar of Amotas as well as the State Comptroller. Not a single penny was used to benefit any except the school children and their teachers.

8. When I received a Power of Attorney from the Church Missionary Society (CMS) I put it to good use to guarantee the ongoing wonderful ministry of the Campus, never seeking any personal benefit but endeavoring to promote the work of the Campus and make it the first College in Nazareth. Discussions with the Teachers College in Haifa and the University in Jordan about a joint project have already begun.

9. When Bishop Suhail received a similar Power of Attorney he went straight to the Israeli Courts and with it banned me and the Amotah from stepping into the premises of C.M.S.

The damage done as a result of the ban to me and the Amotah is beyond words. We have received reports of students registering in other schools for the next academic year. To build takes years. To destroy takes minutes. That is how Bishop Suhail starts his ministry in relation to the Campus which received the Highest Award from the Ministry of Education in the State of Israel.

Years ago, the Government of Israel made me serve the longest travel ban in its history, simply because of the dream I always had: how to bring about peace between us Palestinians and the Israelis, the Arabs and the Jews. There was no charge whatsoever. That ban was meant to hush me.

This time it is a successor of mine who is bringing about a precedent - which my predecessors and I avoided for reasons of common sense if not complying with Christian values. The ban and the legal procedure aim to defame and not only lay hands on the Campus. The Court case is still in the beginning. This negative energy will serve neither the Diocese nor our Palestinian people and certainly not the family of the Campus. Only the unwise will congratulate Bishop Suhail for taking that route.

Is it true that the Ecclesiastical Canon Law requires of any ordained to withdraw from his Ecclesiastical order should he choose to take another ordained to Civil Courts?

May God have mercy.

+ Riah H. Abu El-Assal

His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury
Lord George Carey
The Provincial Bishops
Anglican Communion Headquarters
Support Council of the Campus
All parties mentioned above
1.Can we trust this man?
 A Skeptic, February 10, 2008 7:52
2.Either Suhail is a crooked man or Riah is a liar. (reply to 1)
 Someone who knows the truth, February 11, 2008 7:10
3.Suggestion to Riah
 James H. Tucker, February 10, 2008 8:14
 i, February 10, 2008 14:13
5.God didn't ordain these people
 Mercy Seeker, February 10, 2008 23:09
6.Masonic? (reply to 5)
 looking ..., February 11, 2008 7:36
7.To "Mercy" seeker (reply to 6)
 Paul, February 11, 2008 19:56
8.Years of abuse of power and trust
 Someone that knows, February 17, 2008 17:01