As he said these words, he removed Awad’s shoes and socks and began to wash his feet. Awad seemed very surprised but deeply moved. As he washed his feet, Roberts beg an to apologize for the actions of the Church in the west, for its injustice and discrimination against the Palestinian Christians. He asked for forgiveness and encouraged anyone who felt called to come down and lay hands on Awad and pray for him . Many responded and a large group gathered around him to pray that the Lord would raise up strong Palestinian believers in Bethlehem and throughout Palestine and Israel to carry out the Great Commission and bring glory to His Name.
The following is a link to the summary of this interview, taken from Robert’s personal blog - http://www.glocal.net/2008/02/11/foot-washing-interview-with-bishara-awad/
Overcome their victimology and self-compassion, acknowing their own people has comitted crimes and sins, Palestinians are no perfect.
They must to make apology by opression by Palestionians in Uganda and Lebanon against Christians.