• TOP STORIES \ May 15, 2001
    reads 4033
    Head of Muslim Waqf in Nazareth:"Our first enemy is Catholic Patriarch Sabah"
Head of Muslim Waqf in Nazareth:

Represenatives of the Muslim waqf in Nazareth attacked the Roman Catholic Patriarch Michael Sabah severely in the last weekend: "He is working to prevent the construction of Shehab Eldin mosque in Nazareth".

The Waqf people are threatening to start building the mosque on the disputed land in town and they claim that Sabah asked the Vatican to put pressure on the American President George Bush to request the Israeli Government not to approve the construction of the Mosque for it's closeness to the Annunciation Church.

The Waqf people base their accusations on the delays of the Interior Ministry and the Prime Minister to hold a meeting with them concerning the construction of the mosque.

"Our first enemy is Michael Sabah" said Ahmed Hamodeh Zu'abi ,head of Muslim Waqf in a meeting for "The Nazareth Unified list" which is made in its majority of Muslim movement people. Zu'abi threatened to start building the Mosque in a matter of weeks "whether they approve it or not".