• PALESTINE \ Jul 01, 2008
    reads 4206
    Jericho mayor hands over plot with fig-tree to Russia
Jericho mayor hands over plot with fig-tree to Russia According to the Gospel of Luke, when Christ passed through Jericho, where Zacchaeus lived, the tax collector got up on to the fig-tree, wishing to see Savior even from far. Christ noticed Zacchaeus, treated him kindly and visited his house. Being moved deeply, Zacchaeus promised to recompense four times all those he had only ever offended when collecting fees. People repined against the fact that Christ visited the house of publican, but Savior said them: "For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost". According to the Tradition, Zacchaeus subsequently became the first bishop in the palestinian Kesarii.

Two other land plots are transferred to the ownership of the Russian Orthodox Church, subject to the certificate. One of the plots of 18 thousand square meters is located in the district known as Moscovia to many citizens of Jericho.

"Let us together open a new page for the Russian presence in Palestine. This is a common will of our people," Mayor of Jericho said. He also mentioned a special commitment of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

"We are still under occupation, however, we are seeking peace and free development," Saleh said.

He added that regardless of his brief visit to Moscow, he had managed to learn a few Russian phrases, in particular, "Russia and Palestine are friends forever."
1.English language question
 Researcher, July 2, 2008 18:58