• PALESTINE \ Oct 08, 2008
    reads 6209
    Web site launched in first day memorial for the martyrdom of Rami Ayyad
Web site launched in first day memorial for the martyrdom of Rami Ayyad

"For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” 2 Corinthians 1:5

On the first anniversary of the martyrdom of the hero Rami Ayad … This hero, filled by the Spirit of God and satisfied by Him; the martyr who burst forth from his heart in songs and lyrics, refusing the joys of this world and trampling upon them, but singing and rejoicing in God’s love and its fullness. Rami, before you we give a moment of silence and bow our heads before the Lord of the heavens. You have taught us the meaning of resilience and the meaning of the ratification of the promises of God… and praising God in the middle of the furnace of fire and the lion’s den. We miss you, Rami…. We miss your words, your jokes. We miss your smiles and your kind, fatherly heart. We miss having fun with you, serving with you and fellowshipping in your presence. We miss hearing your prayers and seeing your faith.

One year passing by was as difficult as a camel entering from the needle puncture, but the aid of our Redeemer and His mercy and the prayer of believers all over the world helped it pass. We overcame this year of challenges being confident that you set aside your earthly home and now you have a house in the heavens, not made by humans, but there for eternity. This is what consoles us: that you are in a better place. In the finest place you see us from afar and certainly reassure us and call us to be patient and confident. Our belief and faith will never be shaken.

Rami: we want to present to you, and to all those who loved and love you, this website. It will be a gathering place for us and a place where we remember the goodness of the Lord and moments we enjoyed and spent with you, Rami.

Until we meet again you will always be remembered as the Steven of Gaza…

Your brother who misses you,
Nashat Filmon
The Palestinian Bible Society

The web site can be visited at  http://www.ramiayyad.com/english/index.php

To read more about the murder of Rami Ayyad - see this - http://www.comeandsee.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=828


1.Christianity, Violence and Victims in Palestine..
 Serge, October 22, 2008 2:59