• PALESTINE \ Jan 15, 2009
    reads 8216
    Palestinian Pastor: 12 ways to pray for Gaza
Palestinian Pastor: 12 ways to pray for Gaza Our country again is not going through an easy time, specially our people the Palestinians in Gaza, what has been happening is more than alarming, the whole world is at shock for what is happening. It’s almost two weeks for Israel’s launching the offensive against Gaza, their aim is to try to stop the Palestinian resistant from firing home made rockets and mortar bombs..etc at the Israeli settlements and cities in the south.

So many lives were taken, over 1000 Palestinians, more than half of them are children and women, thousands are injured and countless number of people are in horrible psychological situation. There isn’t enough medical care, or food, or hotlines for help. They don’t have counselors to help those in catastrophic shocks. Many areas don’t have electricity and water as well.

Even international relief and medical teams can’t reach to many areas. Red Cross was reporting that they found hungry little children in destroyed houses, holding the hands of their dead mothers; I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that on TV.

I am not going to report to you more of everything that is going on, since all the news are talking daily about it. The following are ways you can pray for the situation:

1) Pray that the Lord will give wisdom to the leaders on both sides. The international community have condemned the war on Gaza. The UN have asked both sides to stop the war. Neither side is convinced. Pray that their minds will be changed.

2) Pray for the believers in Gaza, may they be protected from this attack, may they be a light amidst this darkness.

3) Pray for the church in Gaza, that this situation will not dismay her from her main calling to seek the lost.

4) Pray for the underground church in Gaza, there are many believers who are not from a Christian background that may God protect them and use them in mighty way.

5) Pray for safety as well for Israeli believers who live in towns near the Gaza strip.

6) Pray that the Lord will enable to Palestinian church like ours to stand with our people in every mean. In prayer, in relief and community development.

7) For bereaved children, families, men and women who lost their loved ones on both sides.

8) Pray for finances to come so that we could begin sending help as soon as we could.

9) Pray for the Palestinians in general, that they will still continue to seek peace with Israel, after seeing all this loss and death and destruction, that their hearts will not be hardened more.

10) Pray that those who don’t want peace on both sides will either change their minds or be taken away from power.

11) Pray for the Palestinian believers, that their heart will still seek reconciliation with their messianic brethren on the other side. Pray that their hearts will continue to be open for healing and continue to stretch the hand of peace to the whole Body in the country.

12) Pray for the Israeli believers, may they be a light to their nation, may the Lord continue to use them as a beacon of his love and goodness for the Jewish people.

 Ethan, January 16, 2009 22:55
2. Desolee !
  Fatiha , January 17, 2009 12:50
3. Desolee !
  Fatiha , January 17, 2009 12:50
 R. Finley, January 17, 2009 18:03
5.Reconciliation begin with...
 Sujam Aljaber, January 25, 2009 19:12