ISRAEL \ Jul 04, 20144666
ISRAEL \ Jul 03, 20147154A Palestinian Theologian derives lessons from the story of the kidnapping of Joseph in the Old Testament to the current events in Israel and asks: Can the Israeli state fulfill its dream without depriving the Palestinians their basic human rights and vice versa? This might be possible if we start with forgiveness.
ISRAEL \ May 09, 20144450Rev. Azar Ajaj, an Arab Evangelical Christian Church history lecturer from Nazareth -Israel writes about the aggression actions called "price tag attacks" and says that leaving the issue as if nothing has happened or burying our heads in the sand, hoping that this wave will pass, will only leave our church membership bitter and confused, especially the younger generation
ISRAEL \ Apr 23, 20143522"We are convinced of the need to seek godly relationships with our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters, and appreciate also the difficulties they have with us and our positions. Therefore we strongly encourage both our Palestinian Christian and our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters to engage more fully with the reality of the one new man in Messiah, actively seeking to live according to the life and teaching of our Messiah Yeshua".
ISRAEL \ Apr 20, 20143326
ISRAEL \ Apr 18, 20144150Rev. Azar Ajaj, an Arab Evangelical Christian Church history lecturer from Nazareth -Israel, writes a response to the law passed in the Israeli Knesset marking the beginning of alleged others in order to differentiate between Israeli Christians and Muslims, and to help the Christians to integrate with Israeli society.
ISRAEL \ Apr 02, 20133970
ISRAEL \ Feb 26, 20135148
ISRAEL \ Feb 07, 20133784
ISRAEL \ Dec 23, 20123632