• BOOK REVIEWS \ Nov 24, 2004
    reads 8503
    A Palestinian Pastor who is studying for his PHD in Thelogical Studies at Trinity International University in Chicago reviews Atallah Mansour's book titled "Narrow Gate Churches - The Christian Presence in the Holy Land under Muslim and Jewish Rule".

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special for Come and See, June 30, 2004

  • BOOK REVIEWS \ Nov 23, 2004
    reads 6076

    Several Christian Arab Scholars and Pastors in the Holy Land are leaving Premillennialism and turning to Amillennialism. However, few people possess the boldness of Rev. Yousif Odeh, a well know minister in Galilee area. After promoting the teaching of Premillennialism for decades, he comes to a point where he changes his position. Furthermore, he decides to publicly defend Amillennialism and to promote it in writing. In other words, his book is an apologetics of Amillennialism and a refutation of Premillennialism especially its Dispensational branch.

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special For Come and See, Dec 31, 2003

  • BOOK REVIEWS \ Oct 01, 2003
    reads 10030

    A Palestinian Pastor who is studying for his PHD in Thelogical Studies at Trinity International University in Chicago reviews Gary Burge's book titled "Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians Are Not Being Told About Israel and the Palestinians".

    Yohanna Katanacho, Special for Come and See, Oct 1, 2003

  • BOOK REVIEWS \ Mar 15, 2001
    reads 4913
    Church Planting Movements In The Holy Land

    Author: Dr. Ray Register
    Back to Jerusalem