• ISRAEL \ Oct 16, 2002
    reads 2351
    Debate has raged among American Jews about their new alliance with evangelical Christians, who in the past two years have shown themselves to be Israel's most vocifeous supporters in the United States (maybe in the world). The issue has recently reached the Chief Rabbinate Council in Israel.

    By Yair Sheleg, Haaretz, October 16, 2002

  • ISRAEL \ Sep 01, 2002
    reads 1809
    The election of Irineos as Greek Orthodox Patriarch was welcomed last year by all except the Israeli government, which withheld its approval. Now, his Arab supporters have deserted him over an alleged land deal with Israel.

    By Danny Rubinstein, Haaretz, Sep 1, 2002

    An unorthodox tangle
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 22, 2002
    reads 1667
    Police on Thursday detained Father Atallah Hanna, a senior official of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, on suspicion he expressed support for terrorist organizations and illegally entered an enemy country.

    By Baruch Kra, Ha'aretz and AP, August 22, 2002
    Police arrest senior Greek Orthodox Church official
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 07, 2002
    reads 1889
    Yad Le?Achim applied pressure on the Petach Tivka municipality in order to obtain the dismissal of Ze?ev Bern, a computer and computer systems technician serving the municipality?s schools. Ze'ev is a Jewish Believer in the Grace and Truth Christian Congregation in Rishon LeTsion.

    Baruch Maoz, Aug 7, 2002, Special for Come and See

    Christian dimissed from his job due to his religious beliefs
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 30, 2002
    reads 2337
    Long-seething tensions at the Jerusalem Anglican School have come to a head this week, with parents actively urging the rival American International School in Herzlia to expand its facility and take in their children.

    By Shoshana Kordova, Haaretz, July 28, 2002
    Parents worried by school's `overly-religious` approach
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 24, 2002
    reads 2634

    Father Gabriel Naddaf: "Father Atalla Hanna has been quoted in Arabic papers sympathizing with Hamas and calling for Palestinian Christians to become suicide bombers. Naddaf said Atalla says he denied the statements but Naddaf has never saw any of the denials published.

    Haim Shapiro, Jerusalem Post, Juky 23, 2002

    Division in local Greek Orthodox community
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 10, 2002
    reads 2937
    The Illegal Christian Radio Station from Nazareth shuts down after six months of broadcasting

    Special for Come and See, July 10, 2002
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 08, 2002
    reads 2836
    The Israeli government decided yesterday to support a bill proposed by MK Haim Druckman (National Religious Party) that would enable state land to be apportioned for Jewish use only.
    Druckman formulated his proposal in response to the High Court of Justice's landmark decision in the Katzir case, holding that Israeli Arabs have rights to live anywhere they want.

    By Aluf Benn and Moshe Reinfeld, Haaretz, July 8, 2002
    Government backs bill to allot state land only to Jews
  • ISRAEL \ Jul 02, 2002
    reads 2913
    "I have more than one hundred students and imams who study Islam with me and support our ideas from a religious point of view," says Sheikh Abdel al-Salaam Menasra of Nazareth.

    By LAUREN GELFOND, Jerusalem Post, June 30, 2002

  • ISRAEL \ Jul 02, 2002
    reads 3477
    Thanks in part to donations from U.S. Christian sources, 350 American Jews intent on living in Israel will land at Ben-Gurion International Airport on July 9th, where Prime Minister Ariel Sharon himself is supposed to be among the welcoming committee.

    By Orly Halpern, Haaretz, June 28, 2002

    U.S. olim will land softly, thanks to Christian help