• OPINION \ Dec 19, 2015
    reads 6179
    Rev. Dr. Alex Awad lived and served in Palestine for decades, including over 25 years as missionary with the United Methodist Church. Alex served as the pastor of East
    Jerusalem Baptist Church, as well as Professor, Dean of Students and Director of the Shepherd Society at Bethlehem Bible College. Alex helped to organize three “Christ at the Checkpoint” conferences in Bethlehem, and is the author of two books: “Palestinian Memories: The Story of a Palestinian Mother and Her People” and “Through the Eyes of the Victims.”
    Israeli Rights Trump Palestinian Rights - Alex Awad
  • OPINION \ Oct 14, 2015
    reads 8321
    To be honest with you all, it is tempting to give up and come to the edge of losing hope. It is easier to enter into the despair which says Que Sera Sera. Yet is that it? Is it our calling to give up?
    Mission Impossible!  By Jack Sara
  • OPINION \ Mar 30, 2015
    reads 9923
    Palestinian Pastor writes to American Messianic Author: I am grieved because you are not telling your friends and the folks who read your articles the truth about why President Obama and his administration and many Jews and Israelis are upset with Netanyahu's policies and the actions of his coalition
    Alex Awad responds to Joel Rosenbergs remarks that President Obama is preparing to divorce Israel
  • OPINION \ Mar 15, 2015
    reads 4982
    I was wrong in the belief of the idea of the eternal promise of the Land to Israel that made me portray God in an unjust way.

    It almost made me say “ for God so loved Israel, that He gave His only begotten son so that Israel would not perish but have the land for ever.”
    Zionism distorts the image of God - David Azar
  • OPINION \ Sep 02, 2014
    reads 11737
    Alex Awad writes to Obama: Mr. President, The announcement of the Israeli government on August 31 to confiscate 1,000 acres belonging to four Palestinian villages near Bethlehem is like pouring salt on the fresh wounds of Palestinians...
    A Palestinian Baptist Pastor Writes an Open Letter To President Obama
  • OPINION \ Sep 26, 2013
    reads 4119
    Media and popular culture overwhelmingly equated Arabs with Islam, leaving little chance for the average person in most Western countries to realise that in addition to Muslims, many Arabs belong to the Christian faith.

    But the challenge of educating the world on the existence of Christian Arabs and their contributions to society is huge, and the last few years added yet a more daunting challenge.

    Jordan Times 25th September 2013
    Challenges facing Christian Arabs,By Daoud Kuttab
  • OPINION \ Feb 22, 2013
    reads 5732
    President Obama will be visiting Israel and Palestine in March 2013. I call on you to write to Obama and tell him that if he is coming to engage Israelis and Palestinians in talks that will lead to a just peace, he is then welcome. Otherwise tell Obama to stay home.

    Alex Awad, Special For Come and See
    A Palestinian Pastor’s Advice for President Obama - Alex Awad
  • OPINION \ Nov 24, 2012
    reads 4029
    We need a new paradigm. It is possible to be at once pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian, pro-American, and pro-peace. No matter what people may claim, the game doesn’t have to be zero-sum
    What Evangelicals Get Wrong About Israel and the Palestinians
,By Kristen Powers-The Daily Beast
  • OPINION \ Nov 21, 2012
    reads 5461
    President of Bethlehem Bible College reflects on the the current round of violence between Israel and the Gaza Strip

    Jack Sara - Special for Come and See
    War or Peace? By Jack Sara
  • OPINION \ Sep 13, 2012
    reads 4111
    The release of the controversial film Innocence of Muslims, which claims to depict the life of Muhammad, caused and outrage in the Muslim world, where thousands of angry men and women demonstrated and attacked US embassies.
    Innocence of Muslims - about the controversial film - by Munther Isaac