Fighting in the West Bank accelerates a gradual outflow of Christians from the Holy Land,especialy in the Bethlehem area.
The Associated Press, Mon 28 May 2001
PALESTINE \ May 24, 2001
PALESTINE \ Apr 29, 2001
A significant reason for the lack of support that the Palestinian Christians who suffer economic and social hardships in Israel have received from Christians in the West get is a fundamental divide in Christendom over how Israel is perceived.
Maranatha Christian Journal,April 29th ,2001
PALESTINE \ Apr 21, 2001
PALESTINE \ Apr 02, 2001
PALESTINE \ Mar 14, 2001
Both Hospitals run by the Anglican Church (in Jerusalem and in Nablus in the West Bank) are facing great pressure and difficulties because of the political situation
Anglican Journal,March 2001
PALESTINE \ Mar 04, 2001
Elias Chacour honored for peace education among Jewish, Muslim, and Christian youth in Israel.By Edmund Doogue - posted 2/21/01 -
PALESTINE \ Feb 28, 2001