• FEATURES \ Mar 05, 2005
    reads 6801
    One of the biggest landowners in Israel, the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate is in financial trouble. After decades of selling and leasing land cheaply, the current patriarch is launching a campaign to `redeem' property, assisted by well-known lawyer Gilead Sher. Sher replaced the disgruntled Mira Bornstein, who sued her former client for millions of shekels.

    By Asaf Carmel, Haaretz, March 4, 2005

  • FEATURES \ Feb 28, 2005
    reads 3746
    A bishop of Jerusalem says that Christians, as bearers of values such as justice, peace, dignity and human rights, can make a key contribution to solving the Mideast conflict.

    Christians' weapons are those of "negotiation, patience and bridge-building," said Auxiliary Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, in a statement to ZENIT.

    The Italian-born prelate has been in the Holy Land for 44 years. He was ordained bishop 11 years ago and has been patriarchal vicar of the Latin Church in Israel for the past decade.

    Zenit.org, Feb 22, 2005

    Marcuzzo: Our weapons are negotiation, patience and bridge-building
  • FEATURES \ Feb 23, 2005
    reads 3941
    Open Doors with Brother Andrew works in Israel helping persecuted believers in the region reach out with the hope of Christ. President of Open Doors USA Carl Moeller says the Christian population in Israel has been affected. "From maybe 30 to 50 percent of the West Bank and Gaza being Christian in 1950, to now about 1.5 percent and that's because of the violence that's taken place."

    Mission Network News, Feb 18, 2005

  • FEATURES \ Feb 19, 2005
    reads 4141
    Another Israeli columnist writes from Washington about MK Benny Elon (National Union) and his relationship with evangelicals in the USA:
    "He invests more time and effort than perhaps any other Israeli in nurturing the relationship with Evangelical Christians in the U.S. As minister of tourism during the intifada, Elon promoted visits by Evangelical churches to Israel, and he continues to attend their conferences and speak out against diplomatic compromise on the Land of Israel.

    By Nathan Guttman, Haaretz, Feb 17, 2005

  • FEATURES \ Feb 12, 2005
    reads 5330
    They unholy relationship between some evangelical leaders and Israel?s right-wing parties is becoming dangerous to the church. A new book by Israeli racist Knesset Member Benny Elon is the latest edition in Christian bookstores in America: "God's Covenant with Israel: Establishing Biblical Boundaries in Today's World".

    This un-Christian political book is published just in time for the struggles over Israel's unilateral disengagement plan from Gaza, which Elon is against. Elon writes to evangelicals from one side about the religious and historic ties between the state of Israel and the Jewish people and from the other side, the book speaks about ?anti-Christian theology in Islam and contains a list of Palestinian Authority brutality toward Christians?.

    Elon, a rabbi that does not believe in Jesus, asks Christians to "please keep the (Jewish) inhabitants of Gaza and northern Samaria in your hearts and prayers".

    Read this unbelievable report by Gil Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post, Feb 11, 2005

    Benny Elon reaches out to evangelicals
  • FEATURES \ Jan 12, 2005
    reads 6302
    It was one of those rare hours of joy for some two thousand Christians, mainly from Catholic churches coming from different towns and villages in Galilee to come together to attend the first ceremony in the new "Domus Galilaeae" International Center on the top of the mount of Beatitude near the Sea of Galilee in the north of Israel.

    Korazim, Special For Come and See, Jan 12, 2004
  • FEATURES \ Jan 11, 2005
    reads 5090
    Part of the remains of the Siloam Pool - which played a significant role in one of Jesus' miracles as recorded in the Bible's Gospel of John - have been uncovered by archaeologists in Jerusalem.

    Just prior to Christmas 2004, spokesmen for Israel's Antiquities Authority announced they were slowly digging out the pool "where water still runs," says a published report by Associated Press.

    by Bible Network News

  • FEATURES \ Jan 04, 2005
    reads 5579
    Israeli Veteran Reporter Jerrold Kessel quit CNN last year and is now writing features on different subjects. He has been following the soccer team of Skahnin that comes from a poor Arab town in Galilee. This team won the Israeli Soccer Cup and represented Israel in Europe. Kessel is writing a "Sakhnin Diary". In his last report, he writes about the Christian population of Sakhnin: 1,200 out of 25,000.

    Jerrold Kessel, Haaretz, Jan 3, 2004

    Season of good cheer in a minority within a minority
  • FEATURES \ Dec 30, 2004
    reads 5015
    "Nazareth Village" has been recreated in Israel as an authentic 'first century' village-a place of 'living history'. It looks similar to the way Bethlehem and Nazareth looked during Biblical times, and Interpreters re-enact what Mary and Joseph did.

    Nazareth Village brings a bit different kind of Christmas story; it will give you a new perspective on the birth of Jesus.

    By Chris Mitchell, CBN, Dec 24, 2004

    Nazareth Village, Re-Creating Jesus' Birth
  • FEATURES \ Dec 29, 2004
    reads 7131
    An amazing article published in Haaretz by Shahar Ilan that describes the way Jewish Hasidim "celebrate" Christmas: Christmas Eve is one of the few occasions when Hasidim refrain from Torah study, do not conduct weddings or go to the mikveh. But they do play chess and work on their bills.

    On Christmas Eve, known in Jewish circles as Nitel Night, the klipot (shells) are in total control. The klipot are parasitical evil forces that attach themselves to the forces of good. According to kabbala (Jewish mysticism), on the night on which "that man" - a Jewish euphemism for Jesus - was born, not even a trace of holiness is present and the klipot exploit every act of holiness for their own purposes.

    Shahar Ilan, Haaretz, Dec 24, 2004