• OPINION \ Aug 13, 2001
    reads 3965
    Dr. George Carey visited Israel and the Palestinian Authority last week. He urged the Christians not to leave but to "stay put, make your mark but share your message with the rest of us around the world."
    A Local Christian writes an open letter to comment on these statements

    Special For Come and See
  • PALESTINE \ Aug 08, 2001
    reads 3689
    Heads of Churches in Jerusalem call upon the Palestinian people throughout the Land to join in intensifying prayers for peace, with justice and reconciliation. Special daily prayers for peace will take place for two weeks.

    August 8, 2001
  • ISRAEL \ Aug 07, 2001
    reads 3943
    Civil rights organizations are delighted at the activities of local leaders of foreign workers. But they seem to have been marked for arrest and deportation by the Interior Ministry and the police. In this context it also raids churches and arrests clergy

    By Joseph Algazy, Haaretz, August 7, 2001
    Targeting the Leaders
  • PALESTINE \ Aug 07, 2001
    reads 3913
    IDF troops backed by police prevented human rights activists and the Christian Peacemakers Team of south Mt. Hebron to bring blankets, tents, material for making tents, and household supplies for families the army evicted from caves in early July

    Amira Hass, Haaretz, August 7, 2001

    Israel Army blocks aid to homeless Palestinians
  • PALESTINE \ Aug 03, 2001
    reads 3836
    70 volunteers in a Christian Peacemakers group believe their bodies will serve as human shields to protect the Palestinians in the town of Beit Jala that is battered by 10 months of gunfights and Israeli tank shelling. The Associated Press, August 3, 2001
    Christian group 'shields' Palestinians
  • FEATURES \ Jul 31, 2001
    reads 4530
    "King?s Kids" is bringing Arab believing youth and Messianic youth together as one in Christ. Next month, they travel together on a mission trip to Romania

    Special for Come and See, July 31
    Arab and Jewish Kids join on a mission trip to Romania
  • EGYPT \ Jul 31, 2001
    reads 3884
    Director of the Cairo-based Word Centre for Human Rights welcomed the ruling as restoring trust in the Egyptian justice system

    Radio Australia, July 31, 2001
    92 Egyptians aquitted over massacre of 20 Christians
  • PALESTINE \ Jul 31, 2001
    reads 3723
    Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey, the spiritual leader of 73 million Anglicans worldwide: "None of us want Jerusalem and Bethlehem to become Disneyland sites, we want this to be a place of living worship".

    CNN, July 30, 2001
  • FEATURES \ Jul 30, 2001
    reads 4259
    Some Christian leaders increase their criticism of Israel's response to Palestinian unrest, angering many in U.S. Jewish community.

    By LARRY B. STAMMER, TIMES RELIGION WRITER, Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2001